Sat May-16-09 09:13 AM
Member since Feb 02nd 2008
580 posts
#423015, "John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
Can you be specific with us? Are we not allowed to post about them at all? It seems wierd that every news organization out there can make comments about this family. Good and bad. But, on a forum for multiples, we aren't allowed. I just want to know if this is a topic that we are not allowed to bring up period. Because if it is, that is really odd. Free country?
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Replies to this topic
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, ggollihur, May 16th 2009, #1
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, scorrin5, May 16th 2009, #2
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, Luvmy3, May 16th 2009, #3
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, Katrina_Jason, May 16th 2009, #4
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, hardentriplets, May 16th 2009, #7
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, PA triplets, May 16th 2009, #5
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, GatorNation, May 16th 2009, #6
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, Tasha, May 16th 2009, #8
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, DebM, May 16th 2009, #9
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, Sheller223, May 16th 2009, #11
RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?, kristim81, May 16th 2009, #10
Sat May-16-09 10:02 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
102 posts
#423019, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
Every time I go out, everyone in the world asks me if I watch Jon and Kate or if I've heard about the lady with octuplets... The forum is here to help multiple birth families and to connect with others, I'd think the minute Jon and Kate decided to take the paycheck to put their lives on TV they opened their lives to public scrutiny. It certainly is an issue we, as parents of multiples, should feel comfortable to comment on, despite the moderator's personal beliefs as to what is appropriate to discuss on the forum.
husband to Aimee and father to:
Drew 12/13/03
Carter 8/18/07
Brenna 8/18/07
and Emily 8/18/07 who has taught us so much about unconditional love
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Sat May-16-09 10:43 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
394 posts
#423026, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
I intend for this to be nonconfrontational and am just looking for an honest answer.
John and Kate are celebrities. They asked to be celebrities once they put their family on television. Why is it that we can comment on any other celebrity on this forum, but not them? Because the way they birthed their children? Because they were once members here? Who cares about that? They should be open for discussion, good or bad, because they are public personalities by their own choice. Right???? If this is not correct, please explain why.
Shiloh--Proud Mom to:
BGG born 2/04
B born 7/06
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Sat May-16-09 11:37 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1871 posts
#423035, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
Good Question. I am curious to the answer as well.
12/21/01 at 33 weeks
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Sat May-16-09 11:37 AM
Member since Apr 29th 2008
947 posts
#423036, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
So we have to ask permission to post these days?? This is getting lame, I am 30 years old...don't feel the need to ask mommy and daddy what I can and can not discuss.>
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Sat May-16-09 12:36 PM
Member since Feb 27th 2008
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#423045, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 4
Thank You!
I mean she's made tv appearences in the past 2 wks 3 times and that's just the ones I know of. Then she did a interview in People. Wow, for someone who is tired of the "public eye", she sure is doing everything she can to get in it.
Visit our family~
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PA triplets
Sat May-16-09 11:49 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2467 posts
#423040, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
Good question. I understand Jon used to post here. He hasn't done that for years. At this point, they are public people. When you invite the cameras in to your house 24/7 for several years you open yourself up to public comment and criticism. Like everyone else I get asked if we watch J&K+8 practically every time we leave the house. It seems quite silly we aren't allowed to discuss them on a multiples forum.
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Sat May-16-09 11:54 AM
Member since Jan 26th 2009
51 posts
#423041, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
If you do not get an answer to this question, it is very safe to assume that comments regarding that show (that I am totally not talking about right now) are off limits. I am 99% sure I was banned for making such a comment. Another member confirmed that I was not a member earlier today. Other people were gone too. I know that I was not rude to any other member and that I didn’t violate any of the other written use policies, so it was either: a) referring to that show; or, b) referring to a deleted post (about that show).
I saw a post by another previously banned member, so I checked to see if I was un-banned. I was back; just like it never happened. Thank you to the person who un-banned me.
There are rules of tripletconnection. Those rules are written in the terms of use. Apparently, there are also unwritten rules, just like in non-computer-forum life. Some of the unwritten rules are intuitive (LIKE NOT TYPING IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE IT IS HARD TO READ) and some of them are not (like mentioning this particular TV show). When an unwritten rule is unintuitive, it is helpful to make that unwritten rule a written rule, so that people like me (an otherwise nice, rule following type of guy) don’t violate it.
I am still not sure if the scope of off limit comments are: a) any TV show; b) any reality or faux realty TV show; c) any reality or faux realty TV show about multiples; or d) only the one reality or faux realty TV show that I will never ever mention again for fear of being banished from the only site related to multiples that is not specifically for women. Until I get clarification, I will assume it is all TV and just hope I don’t get banned for speaking of other forms of media.
Gary, Father to Piper, Henry and Rosemary, June 25, 2008 (30 weeks, 0 days)
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Sat May-16-09 12:56 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
2033 posts
#423050, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 6
Your account was disabled? I am starting to fear what is considered acceptable and what isn't myself. Like I said before a board with nothing but bottle and yeast infection post will be boring. But it seems I might want to steer clear of anything multiples related so I better stick to strollers and making your own baby food. Sucks since my kids are 8 and I would like to discuss some more adult juicy topics. Anyone know where the adults are allowed to hang out?
Julia, Megan and Alex 7/00
Abby 12/02
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Sat May-16-09 01:05 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1232 posts
#423052, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 6
I have chuckled over several of your recent posts. Don't know if you meant them to come across that way, but I thought they were very funny.
Thanks for the smiles.
Luke- 4lb,12oz
Wade - 3lb,4oz
Zoe - 5lb,2oz
Born at 34 weeks
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Sat May-16-09 01:34 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
833 posts
#423055, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 6
You got banned? Seriously? Is this forum that far gone that we're treated like children talking out of turn?
I'm glad you're un-banned. I like your posts.
ggg born March 15, 2005
35.2 wks
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Sat May-16-09 01:27 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1369 posts
#423054, "RE: John & Kate Question? For Moderator?"
In response to Reply # 0
I rarely post on TC anymore because of these insane unwritten rules. I absolutely love the people who belong to this forum, but am not a big fan of the mods. Never have been. Too many stupid rules that make absolutely no sense. Whoops...will I get banned now too? I forget that on this site we're not allowed to form our own opinions.
BBG April 9, 2007
26 weekers- Elijah, Joey and Rowan
Big sister Kadence 5 years old