jblischke Wed Sep-17-08 05:05 PM
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#375181, "Just found out! Triplets"
So I just found out that I'm expecting 3 very healthy kiddos. I am completely freaked out. I already have one great 3 year old who will be 4 when the triplets come. My question is this - my doctors seem to be pushing having a reduction. My question to them is exactly which one of these perfectly healthy children do you suggest I kill?
I'm having a moral and emotional crisis!
I ethically don't believe in premature children and having society pay for the birth defects, time in intensive care and so on, but at the same time I am really torn because many people go to 33-36 weeks with no problem and have happy healthy children.
I am a really healthy eater, only organic all produce comes from our local farm, lots of legumes/grains, DHA, absolutely nothing that comes out of a box and has been processed in anyway and I order all grass fed meat directly from farmers. So.... I am hoping that helps.
I feel confident in my parenting skills and my 11 year marriage (my husband is a saint wings halo the whole nine), so I do not have those concerns. My one and only concern is getting these kids to term. That is it. I do NOT want a C-section (I find them boarderline butchery) and would hate to be forced into using formula, because frankly my breast is SO much easier, cleaner and more convinent (for me - not saying for everyone just it's easier for this lazy mom!). I hear many many nurses will not let you even breastfeed your babies for days - NIGHTMARE! Can they even legally do that?
Sigh, ok I'm terrified, and having a lot of angst.
Thoughts? Help? Words of wisdom? Anything?
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Laurene Wed Sep-17-08 05:11 PM
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#375182, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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I'm not sure what you mean that you don't believe in premature children and society having to pay in some way...I know of singletons that are more premature than my trio and being taxpayers those services are a benefit to society...we really have no control and it is no guarantee that they will even need services so try to relax and enjoy this special time.
Congrats! you've found a great network - I hope your able to make your decision and enjoy your pregnancy.
Laurene, Mom to DD27, DD25, DS23, BBG 1/16/05 3 1/2 yrs old
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #2
RE: Just found out! Triplets, love my kids, Sep 17th 2008, #6
Kellil Wed Sep-17-08 05:25 PM
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#375185, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy.
Second- my triplets were born premature- by about 12 weeks. Everything that could have been done to prevent their early delivery was done, I was at a renowned hospital with great doctors. Very few people choose prematurity so your comment is a little hurtful.
I am glad you are healthy and taking care of your body but that will not guarantee you a term delivery. I hope everything turns out well for you, triplet pregnancies are difficult and scary. Just be aware that things don't always turn out as planned (c-section, immediate breast feeding...) I was an NICU nurse and I was certain my kids would make it to 34 weeks, but I guess God had different plans. Today they are happy and healthy 16 month olds, I can't imagine a day without them!
Good luck.
GGB 28.3 weeks 5/3/07
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #7
RE: Just found out! Triplets, LolasLadies, Sep 17th 2008, #9
RE: Just found out! Triplets, albentrip, Sep 17th 2008, #11
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #16
sandsstone Wed Sep-17-08 05:26 PM
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#375187, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
This being triplet connection, you are likely to find that the mom's here tend to be anti-reduction.
I don't think organic would hurt, but it is usually other issues that cause premature delivery.
Except in cases where the infant is unable to tolerate eating or unable to properly BF...no one here has been kept from BF their infants and most were strongly encouraged to try.
You didn't say how far along you are...I would guess 6-8 weeks from the fact that your Dr.s are pushing reduction (usually an RE). Find a good Perinatologist or MFM (maternal fetal medicine) doctor. See what they say before you decide.
And congratulation on the trio!
Parent to GGG born 31 weeks 4 days 4/26/07
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albentrip Wed Sep-17-08 05:29 PM
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#375189, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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Congratulations! How far along are you?
One piece of advice is never say never. You seem to have strong opinions about several things but a triplet pregnancy can present some really unusual and life-threatening situations. So while I believe you should stand by your beliefs when you can, try to be open-minded at the same time.
Many of us are also all too familiar with the fact that despite healthy, cautious living, we do not have much control over the outcome and won't know their status until they are here. That includes the possibility of a c-section. There are those who did not need one but there are so many things that can complicate delivery that you and your doctors will need to address that as you get closer to delivery.
As far as I know, society did not pay for my 33 weekers' NICU time (1 month each). My insurance company whom I've been paying premiums to for years did. And if it wasn't them, it would have been me.
Best of luck!
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Mama2five Wed Sep-17-08 05:43 PM
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#375194, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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Ummmm, ok....
98ish% of triplets are born via cesarian section. It's not that terrible. I had 2 easy vaginal natural childbirth expieriences prior to my triplets, and while a c-section with the triplets was not what I wanted...it got my 3 breech babies into the world safely. I have run across women like you. I even had one mom tell me she would rather have not had her baby than have a c-section. @@ I find that to be irrational and sad.
A lot of triplet moms are able to nurse their babies, and you can get some information about that here. I nursed my 2 oldest for 23 months each, but due to maternal illness I was unable to nurse the triplets. The only reason why you would not be allowed to nurse your babies is if they are too premature to suck, swallow, and breathe at the same time.
I totally don't understand what you are saying about prematurity. Don't you have insurance??? Anyway...I am 100% against reduction. I was pretty much told to reduce. I did not, and I made it to term (for triplets term is widely thought of as 35-36 weeks...multiples develop and mature faster than singletons) There are a lot of preemies on this board, and I believe that they all are welcome into the world. I have no problem with the government using our hard earned tax dollars to pay for medcial care for a premature infant. OF ALL the wasteful things that our tax dollars pay for...this certainly is NOT one of them!!!
I came from the AP world into the triplet world. You will soon find that the hardline AP world is not flexible enough for triplets. You have to bend a little and find what works and what does not work. For goodness sake, choosing to reduce because you don't want a c-section is just silly. Prematurity is scary, but this board is full of sucess stories.
Christa, her wonder uterus, and Josh (the daddy) have produced:
Reagan (4/28/04 @ 41 weeks)
Ethan (4/27/05 @ 43 weeks)
Delaney, Addie, and Joel (1/23/08 @ 35.4 weeks)
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #13
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Mama2five, Sep 17th 2008, #17
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Laurene, Sep 17th 2008, #41
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #45
RE: Just found out! Triplets, DebM, Sep 17th 2008, #56
mw Wed Sep-17-08 05:53 PM
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#375196, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Are you serious? We all have been shocked at discovering that we are pg with triplets but your post is a first as far as what I've seen.
Prematurity isn't something to believe or not believe in. It either happens or it doesn't. With triplets, there is an excellent chance that they will be born early. I'm not sure why you say society will have to pay for them - do you not have insurance? I'm sure you know that there are many singletons born with birth defects.
Your eating habits, while exemplary, may have little to do with the outcome of your pregnancy. Many, many here were overweight before their pg, many were underweight, many were just as healthy in their eating habits as you are. Many had perfect outcomes with all three babies, some have children with more challenges, some (sadly-myself include) lost a baby along the way.
C/Section - again, are you serious? Yes this is major surgery - but butchery? I didn't want a C/S - didn't have one with my first child - but I DID want my children healthy and that was the safest method of delivery.
Breastfeeding - go for it - my babies had formula early in the hospital and then b'milk only. They could not breastfeed for a couple of weeks because they needed to develop their suck/swallow/breathe skills.
I think you have a lot of research to do. You will not find much support here for selective reduction. In your first paragraph it sounds as though you are completely opposed to this. Tell your doctor and be done with the subject. I'm assuming it is your RE that is pushing for SR as I don't believe there is any research to support that reducing from triplets lessens the risk of the pg at all.
So many of your comments are borderline offensive. I'm assuming you don't mean them to be but it really has the sounds of trying to stir the pot and upset people.
1. Odds are your babies will be born early
2. There are things you can do to help prevent severe prematurity
3. Some things are not up to you
4. It is possible to BFeed triplets - even if they cannot nurse immediately after birth
5. It is a scary thing but there are many happy stories here
This site can be a source of unending support but I'd suggest you take a gentler approach. Instead of making absolute statements, try asking some questions.
I'll probably regret jumping into this but I hope that you are genuine, I hope you do some research, and I hope that you have a happy, successful triplet pregnancy.
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #14
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Mama2five, Sep 17th 2008, #18
RE: Just found out! Triplets, alimae, Sep 18th 2008, #69
scottnik Wed Sep-17-08 05:55 PM
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#375199, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
You will find that a lot of your current ideas about prematurity, c-sections, breastfeeding, etc. will change. Undoubtedly they will change. Your eyes will open into a whole new world if you choose to continue this pregnancy. Everyone here, I am sure, had previous ideas about multiples, preemies, etc. that have changes since our experiences.
Preemies are viable babies - my were born at 30w5d, which was a great feat considering our complications. No one helped us financially, including the gov't. Also, over 90% of triplets are born via c-section. Mine went along pretty smootly without complicatons. It was the only way my babies could come out safely, as it is with most triplet pregnancies. There is a possibility you won't need one, but keep in mind it is the luck of the draw and statistically you should be prepared for one.
Don't let doctors pressure you into reducing if it is not what you want to do! Here, statistically, the odds are FOR you in that while it is a very high risk pregnancy, most triplets have a great long-term outcome.
Congrats on your pregnancy and remember to keep an open mind. You will find a lot of good advice on this board.
GBG triplets born 4/2/05
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pyjammy Wed Sep-17-08 06:05 PM
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#375202, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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I won't rehash what's already been said in response to your post, but I will say congratulations and welcome!
Identical BBB triplets born 12/4/07 at 33w2d
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, Suzan33, Sep 17th 2008, #20
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #32
Triplethefun04 Wed Sep-17-08 06:20 PM
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#375209, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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Wow, welcome to our board.
Are they natural?
Tyler 17 1/2 years!!
Steph 15 1/2 years!!
Ayden, Ryley & Dylan 3 1/2 years!!
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #21
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Mama2five, Sep 17th 2008, #23
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #31
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Triplethefun04, Sep 17th 2008, #33
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #35
RE: Just found out! Triplets, HOWMANY, Sep 17th 2008, #54
RE: Just found out! Triplets, ashleydeeann, Sep 17th 2008, #36
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #46
3petes Wed Sep-17-08 06:33 PM
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#375215, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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Well I hope for your beliefs your triplets are full-term, well-nourished, able to suckle right away, and you have them vaginally. Otherwise, how ever would you live up to your own standards AND be a triplet mom.
Maybe TMI for a first post. Gauge your audience first and then things won't be so HARSH, Mean, Spiteful, and REAL. You came to the wrong place to impose your "beliefs" about prematurity.
Again, I hope your unborn children live up to your high standards, or you may just leave them in the hospital and not visit them for months at a time and they will become our next abandoned set of triplets.
GOOD LUCK with your pregnancy.
Love my GGG ~
2 years old.....How did that happen?
Born on 08/07/06
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, mommy2gbb, Sep 17th 2008, #24
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #26
RE: Just found out! Triplets, 3petes, Sep 17th 2008, #28
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #34
RE: Just found out! Triplets, 3petes, Sep 17th 2008, #38
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #47
RE: Just found out! Triplets, DebM, Sep 17th 2008, #57
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Tasha, Sep 18th 2008, #73
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #82
jhp1421 Wed Sep-17-08 06:49 PM
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#375227, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Welcome, we all started out just as scared as you. And as for doctors, each and every one of us has been told to reduce, THEY HAVE TO TELL YOU TO DO THAT because they have to warn you of the incredible risk involved in having triplets. That being said, the next thing my husband asked our doctor was "how many people you tell to reduce actually do it" to which our doctor replied "no one in my experience". I second the idea of research, research, research about triplets, that's all we did. The more you know the more you can relax (just a bit) and properly take care of yourself so that hopefully you will have 3 healthy babies who ideally won't need NICU time, can BF right away and go home with you after you are healed from your cs. Also, I was told by my Peri that cs for triplets is just as much for the Mom as it is for the baby, it's the safest way to deliver multiples and my Peri wouldn't deliver me if I wanted to try a vaginal delivery, he said it's just not really done anymore for the safety of all involved. Once you settle in to this triplet pregnancy and you know more about a multiple birth try to enjoy the pregnancy, it's an amazing experience.
Mom to Ryan, Timmy and Katie
6/26/06 34/5 5#1oz., 5# and 3#10oz.
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #27
RE: Just found out! Triplets, maggoo, Sep 17th 2008, #30
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #39
NC_tripmom Wed Sep-17-08 06:58 PM
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#375231, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Way to jump in w/ both feet!
Of course you're terrified, you'd be crazy if you weren't.
Moral crisis: Pretty sure you'd regret aborting one or more of your kids. Doubt for a second you'd regret giving all 3 a chance at life.
Emotional crisis: This is only the beginning!
I doubt anyone here wanted a C-Section but personally I'm more concerned about my kids having the safest arrival they can even if my guts were butchered in the process. It wasn't fun, but sometimes you just have to suck it up.
Breastfeeding - it is possible to breastfeed triplets. You may not be able to nurse them immediately but so what that is why we have breast pumps and so what if you have to supplement. In the grand scheme of things does it really matter?
And for the record, I made it 34 wks and my children are perfectly healthy and they don't receive any gov't support.
B(GG) 8/04 34 wks
G 7/00
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Jenny1981 Wed Sep-17-08 07:14 PM
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#375243, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Wow, I think that was the most condescending and offensive introduction I've ever read on this board. Every single sentence you wrote touched a deep nerve with me!
I had preemies.
I had Medicaid.
I used formula.
I had a c-section.
I eat food "out of a box", and meat from (gasp) Wal-mart.
I do not have a saint husband. I don't even have a husband.
I guess that makes me a zit on the face of society in your book. If you are going to be so snooty, go find a different board that will meet up to your standards of perfection.
single mom to spontaneous BBB born 12/20/06 at 34w 2d
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, 3petes, Sep 17th 2008, #40
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #43
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #42
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Triplethefun04, Sep 17th 2008, #44
RE: Just found out! Triplets, kylamel, Sep 17th 2008, #48
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #50
RE: Just found out! Triplets, madmolly, Sep 17th 2008, #61
RE: Just found out! Triplets, HOWMANY, Sep 17th 2008, #62
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Jenny1981, Sep 18th 2008, #76
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #83
HOWMANY Wed Sep-17-08 07:39 PM
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#375264, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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I will say Congrats and being scared out of your mind is TOTALLY normal. The Dr. Luke book is a great start. I have mine if you would like I will send it to you.
I'm a blunt straight to the point person and don't get offended very easily. But I do have to say reading your post and responses I'm floored and a bit offended.
My kids were micro preemies and I have one that will have life long medical needs and not be able to live on his own and will need care/assistance until the day he dies.
But you know what. Yes life is a bit hard and my family has had to have assistance. But ANYONE who meets him falls in love with him and as all children are a gift from God he just seems even more so!
My DH and I work our @$$ off to provide for our children and PPO insurance. We do get medi-cal for our son who covers the co-pays of our insurance. Mostly medical supplies as most of the doctors we choose to see don't accept medi-cal.
So I apologize that I chose not to remove my DS from life support and let his wonderful little spirit die so he wouldn't be a burden to you or other tax payers.
But you know what?? Based on the dignosis we were given when encourged to remove life support not one bit of it is TRUE!!! He has exceeded EVERYONE's expectations.
As for selective reduction it is not pretty. You have NO CHOICE what baby gets to go. What ever fetus is the closest is the one they shoot up with a cocktail that will stop his/her heart. Pretty brutual if you ask me! I would rather have the c-section.
One more story for you. I had a nurse that helped me with my DS who his wife was PG with triplets and the reduced to twins based on the risks they were told about. The twins are 12 now and he always wondered what the other one would have looked like or been like. Needless to say my son's case was very hard for him to work and had to leave.
I wish every day that I could have held onto my babies longer so they could all be "normal". I wonder how their interactions would be if my son didn't have the medical issues he has.
But I NEVER look at my children as a burden to me or society. You seem like the type that wants popultaion control. Which is fine everyone is entitled. If so why did you have a child to begin with, and then go back to try to have another?
Wife to Jason(pixelpusher)
Mom to Gwynne, Connor, Chloe 11/03/03
25wks 1day
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #51
rach3312 Wed Sep-17-08 07:43 PM
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#375268, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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Wed Sep-17-08 07:46 PM by rach3312
First and foremost, congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the board!
Trust me, while not everyone was presented with the option of SR, we were all in your shoes at the beginning in one way shape or form. I know that it is very frightening to hear that you are expecting triplets and it is nearly impossible to imagine life with triplets now. But, if you go ahead with the pregnancy and choose not to reduce, I promise that there will come a day when you will not be able to imagine your life without triplets and you will look back on these thoughts and wonder why you ever had them. If you do choose to reduce, than that is your choice as well. But honestly, in a place called The Triplet Connection you are unlikely to find a lot of support for SR.
I do think that the reason you are getting such a large amount of backlash is because your choice of words was poor. Having a preemie is not something you choose to ethically believe or not believe in; it just happens. Ethics play no role in premature birth, although it could play a role in treatment after birth I suppose. Regardless, it happens for a variety of reasons, and not just because of the increased use of fertility treatments and the higher instances of multiples. The March of Dimes is a wonderful organization dedicated to ending prematurity, you should check it out.
I took care of myself, ate healthy, drank plenty of water, followed my Dr's orders, went on bedrest and yet, my triplets were born at 29 weeks, 2 days via emergency c-section. The girls had a condition called Twin to Twin Transfusion which occurs in about 5-10% of all identical twins and delivery was necessary for their survival. They spent 38, 41 & 45 days in the NICU. The cost was covered mostly by my insurance and my HSA account, some of it we paid for out of pocket. I wasn't able to hold them for the 1st few days (one of my girls for almost 2 weeks) and they definitely were not capable of breastfeeding. But, once the babies reached their original due date, I breastfed (and gave them bottles of expressed breast milk) exclusively for 6 months. Then I continued to nurse them once a day and the rest of their feedings were from bottles with at first 2/3 breast milk, 1/3 formula, and more recently 1/2 and 1/2, until they were 1 year adjusted. Which was just last week. Making bottles is time consuming and difficult, but so is breastfeeding (and pumping for) triplets. Don't underestimate the work involved. I have an older daughter and it is NOT the same thing. Not even close to as easy.
I really hope that you do a lot of research and make sure that you are making an informed choice based on facts and not one out of fear. Yes, having triplets is overwhelming. Yes, having preemies is frightening. But, I have both and I am standing here today to write and tell you it is far better than I could have ever imagined. These triplets are my children. And I love them just as much as I love my full-term, vaginal birth, exclusively breastfed singleton.
James, Ella & Cameron 7/8/07 29.2
Lydia 2/3/96
we are 1!!!
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 17th 2008, #53
DebM Wed Sep-17-08 07:59 PM
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#375282, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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Doctors should not "push" reduction. My doctor simply asked me if I was going to reduce. I said no and he never mentioned it again.
As far as society paying for preemies, not so in my case. I'm paying 100% of their hospital NICU stay. And if one of my babies had a long term health issue and was given SS benefits, I would thankfully accept it. That is what SS money should be used for. I made it to 34 weeks and did just fine.
C-sections are safer for triplets. Yes, there may be a small few that have their triplets vaginally, but I wouldn't push this if I were you. The best thing to do is do what is best for the babies.
And you shouldn't be forced into using formula. You may have to use formula at some point. I pumped and gave BM to the NICU nurses, but they had to also use formula to keep up with their needs. If the NICU will not let you breastfeed for a few days, it's because it uses up too much energy. Preemies need to gain weight as fast as possible. That's what is best for them. You can breastfeed all you want when the babies are strong enough for it.
Take a deep breath and enjoy this miracle. Best of luck.
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julie123 Wed Sep-17-08 08:46 PM
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#375302, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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I had a rather uneventful pregnancy (up until the last 2 weeks)and breastfed my triplets for 6 months (combo of breast and pumping because I had to go back to work after 6 weeks). It is all do-able.
Our Journey, a year of firsts:
Julie wife to Mark and mom to
Tristan Declan 4lbs 3oz Cassandra Madison 4lbs 7oz
Ryland Markus 4lbs 2oz
Born on 9/5/06 at 32 weeks 4 days
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Astrid Wed Sep-17-08 09:33 PM
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#375316, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
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You know, once upon a time I didn't believe in IVF. I thought that it was "playing God". I never thought in a MILLION YEARS that I would have to succomb to it in order to be a mother. My point is that your opinion over preemies, BFing, formula, etc. will likely change in the coming months. I think it is ok to be opinionated & have your beliefs BUT like you said, having an open mind is also very important b/c your life is about to change drastically.
For instance, it isn't only your diet that will get you far in this pregnancy, it is your attitude, your support system & your ability to reduce your activity level as much as possible as soon as possible. Don't make the same mistake I did. I am a complete "Type A" personality & didn't heed my peri's warning. I climbed in to the attic at 18w 2d along to get Christmas ornaments in a big sterilite box & ended up on strict bed rest the next day w/ an emergency cerclage placed in the day after that. 16 weeks of bed rest...it sucked!
I was also terrified of a c-section & not b/c I had already experienced a vaginal delivery b/c this was my 2nd pgcy but 1st one to make it that far. I hated the idea of getting an epidural or spinal & then have my abs cut in to. VERY SCARY! Very painful also! Chances are that you will end up w/ a c-section in order for you to deliver your babies & the thought of putting them in any danger b/c you believe it is a butchering procedure is going to be THE LAST thought in your head. Trust me, all you will be thinking about is the health of your babies.
As for BFing...as much as I wanted to from the get go, I was not able to. First, I had never done it before so I had to learn. Second, I was not allowed to b/c it would wear the babies out & they would burn more calories than what they would intake SOOOO that when we were finally given the go ahead a few days after their birth, we were only allowed to do it once a day. Third, their little mouths had a hard time getting around my nipple so we had to use a nipple shield. Forth, I was not able to be in the NICU at every feeding so they either got pumped milk or formula. Fifth, I was not producing the total amount for all 3 babies so they had to be supplemented. Sixth, they needed extra calories to help gain weight so high calorie formula was a necessity. Um, I think that covers it. So, although you may want to BF to your hearts content doesn't mean that it is going to work out that way.
I have to tell you the positive to the above paragraph about BFing...my kids are 5.5 mths old (25 wks) & they all BF which takes FOR EVER so I prefer to pump for 1-2 of them & then BF the other 1 or 2. It is a great experience & quite the personal achievement. It also came in very handy w/ Hurricane Ike b/c we just got our electricity back late last night so pumping was not easy & convenient. Thank God for little favors.
The best piece of advice I can give you is to let go all your preconceived notions about c-sections, BFing, prematurity, etc. You need to concentrate on staying healthy & strong b/c of all your pgcies, THIS is going to be the most challenging of them all. It is going to test your faith, patience, & understanding of the world around you.
I hope that you carry the babies as long as you can. I made it a few hrs shy of 34 weeks & my babies were only in the NICU for 10, 10, & 14 days. Not too shabby for babies that came 6 wks early. They are all perfectly healthy & we do not need any government assistance.
I hope you decide to stick around. This can be a great community, just remember all of us have technically given birth to preemies, some w/ disabilities, others w/o any BUT we all love our children more than anything in the world.
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Crystal Wed Sep-17-08 09:58 PM
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#375327, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
I'm almost 24 weeks pregnant with trips right now and my best advice to you is to take a breath and just trust that everything will work out. Let nature take its course. If you don't want to reduce, then don't. Reduction poses risks to all 3 babies and you're right...which one do you choose? A triplet pregnancy is rough, but it's completely doable.
As for prematurity, I think I have only heard of one person to date who delivered at 37 weeks. Average is 32/33 weeks. You can fully expect to deliver these babies early...and you should fully expect a c-section. If you want a vaginal delivery, find a doctor who is open to your having one, but don't bank on it. Just see how things go...see how the babies are positioned. Nobody wants to be sliced open, but 3 healthy babies are more important than any vaginal delivery.
Again, I would just say that if you plan to carry these babies as long as possible, you should be open to completely giving up on some of your wishes and beliefs...and even eating habits. Many triplet moms have spent months on bedrest in the hospital. Unless your hubby prepares every meal for you, I don't know how you're going to stick to your organic diet. Since becoming pregnant, I eat lots of stuff out of boxes and lots of sugary sweets because it's what my body is craving. I also eat lots of veggies and stuff, but my point is that I'm eating a lot of crap food that I normally wouldn't touch on a daily basis. So stick to your diet as much as you can handle, but if it stops working for you while you're pregnant with 3 babies, be flexible. Overall, just do what you can to relax your mind and body and just accept that everything will work out as it's supposed to. This is not a time when you can afford to feel stressed out. This is a time to go with the flow and trust your body. The only thing you should stress about is making sure you have the perfect doctor who can guide you through this process.
Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible!!!
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madmolly Wed Sep-17-08 11:21 PM
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#375341, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Here's the thing:
On a triplet board, you will find mother's who choose not to reduce.
On a triplet board, you will find mother's who delivered premature babies.
On a triplet board, you will find mother's who have healthy babies born just after minimal viability and mother’s of special needs babies born later than 34 weeks.
On a triplet board, you will find mother's of children delivered under fantastically imperfect conditions.
On a triplet board, you will find mother's who will endure tremendous pain and overcome impossible obstacles just to bring their premature children into this world.
On a triplet board, you will find mother's who have been so damned sleep deprived that they will mix coffee grounds with Monsters drinks, just to keep their heavy eyelids open.
On a triplet board, you will find families who pay their own way, families in need, and families drowning in medical debt that will follow them, not society, for the rest of their lives.
On a triplet board, you will find families who don't give a rat’s behind about how much it cost, who paid for it, and what bills will haunt them for the rest of their lives, as long as they get to take their babies home.
For future reference:
On this triplet board, you will find miracle babies who fought along side their strong, determined parents for that chance at life inspite of an extremely premature delivery.
On this triplet board, you will find parents who are forever grateful for the medical advancements which allowed the doctors to fight for their premature babies.
On this triplet board, you will find moms and dads in various types of relationships, in various economic situations, with various conception methods, and various perspectives on life.
On this triplet board, you will get burned at the stake for using the word "Natural."
On this triplet board, your candor and humor will be understood by some and rebuffed by others.
On this triplet board, you will find many, many moms willing to engage in a battle of whit.
On this triplet board, you will be chewed up and spit out soggy if you tread harshly on the trials and tribulations of a triplet pregnancy or in the raising of multiples when you have not endured either.
Oh and (yes, the horse is dead and I just gotta kick it one last time) I have hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical debt hanging over my head from the delivery my 28 weekers. I don't have perfectly healthy children. My kids didn't fair as well as I would have hoped at the beginning of my pregnancy. They will have long term concerns. I will continue to struggle to pay for therapy, intervention, and medication on my own. Tonight, I will crawl into bed and cry over the poor news I received today regarding my son. Tomorrow, I will hug him and kiss him and see him for the amazing treasure that he is. And tomorrow night, I will sleep better than tonight, grateful that he is my son and thankful that I have him here to love. My point? Perspectives change when faced with reality.
That said, congratulations and welcome aboard.
BGG 28.3 weekers
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Astrid, Sep 18th 2008, #68
RE: Just found out! Triplets, fof, Sep 18th 2008, #81
hardentriplets Wed Sep-17-08 11:29 PM
Member since Feb 28th 2008
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#375343, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
I guess since your straight foward and blunt I will be as well. Your post literally made my mouth drop. I understand everyone has the right to their own opinion but yours I'm sorry I do not understand. I am a VERY open minded person but your post has hit many nerves with me and as we've seen in other replys other moms. We are all in the beginning in shock but the thoughts that have crossed your mind makes me wonder, lets say your pg doesn't go as planned, lets say you do (god forbid) delievery very very early, lets say one of you children has difficulties. How are going to handle these situations with the way you think. What do you mean you don't believe in prematurity? That doesn't even make sense, do you think any of us on here BELIEVED in it!?! Do you think I wanted to deliever a 2.9lb baby and have him go through 2 surgeries and 3 hospitals before coming home? And our insurance and US (DH & I) paid for his bills nobody else! NO baby is a burden to society just because their born premature. What world do you live in that every baby is born full-term and with no health problems? And that's great you take care of yourself but so did I and I came down with pre-eclampsia and ended up in the hospital for 32 days. Bottom line, do whatever it takes but know that things WILL happen that sometimes you have absoulutly no control over. C-section is not butchery! It is a safe way to delievery a baby, espically when delievering multiples. Why would you rather risk the safety of not only your babies but you? And I also found the formula response very imature. Your worried about not BFing your babies for days yet some of us didn't even get to hold them for days! You do realize that more than likely they will have to add calories to your milk? Not everyone is able to do so and I'm sure you have not only offened me but others on here who wanted to desperatly do so. Did I want to BF for more than 4 weeks, YES. But I had two at home one being transfered from hospital to hospital and dealing with yet another surgery that it took a toll on my body and my milk production. You need to start reading and educating yourself because you clearly have no idea what your up againist. It IS doable but it takes a lot of strength and courage to do so and I praise all these fellow mommy's on here. No one but ourselves know what it's like and there is amazing advice on here if you choose to take it. But my best advice is to think before you write!
Proud Momma X 3!!!
-Brody Paul 3lbs 10oz
-Logan Dean 4lbs
-Seth Franklin 2lbs 9oz
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Phxlulu Thu Sep-18-08 12:31 AM
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#375353, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
>So I just found out that I'm expecting 3 very healthy kiddos.
> I am completely freaked out. I already have one great 3 year
>old who will be 4 when the triplets come. My question is this
>- my doctors seem to be pushing having a reduction. My
>question to them is exactly which one of these perfectly
>healthy children do you suggest I kill?
>I'm having a moral and emotional crisis!
>I ethically don't believe in premature children and having
>society pay for the birth defects, time in intensive care and
>so on, but at the same time I am really torn because many
>people go to 33-36 weeks with no problem and have happy
>healthy children.
>I am a really healthy eater, only organic all produce comes
>from our local farm, lots of legumes/grains, DHA, absolutely
>nothing that comes out of a box and has been processed in
>anyway and I order all grass fed meat directly from farmers.
>So.... I am hoping that helps.
>I feel confident in my parenting skills and my 11 year
>marriage (my husband is a saint wings halo the whole nine), so
>I do not have those concerns. My one and only concern is
>getting these kids to term. That is it. I do NOT want a
>C-section (I find them boarderline butchery) and would hate to
>be forced into using formula, because frankly my breast is SO
>much easier, cleaner and more convinent (for me - not saying
>for everyone just it's easier for this lazy mom!). I hear
>many many nurses will not let you even breastfeed your babies
>for days - NIGHTMARE! Can they even legally do that?
>Sigh, ok I'm terrified, and having a lot of angst.
>Thoughts? Help? Words of wisdom? Anything?
WOW! I havent been on TC in sometime & today I decided to read. I have not read through the PP's responses but I am pretty sure this thread pissed a few off. First of all everyone is entitled to their own opinions which obviously you got one.
I have a question for you. If this is something you feel so strongly about why would you put in more than 1 embryo? If you don't want your children to be a burden on society as you said, why take that chance? I'm sure someone has already answered the ? for you about selective reduction but just in case they did not you don't get to pick its which ever baby is closest. I am 5' 1" 110lbs when I got pg with my triplets. I was scared to death at how my body would be able to carry these babies. Surprisingly I had zero problems with my pregnancy. I went on bedrest at 20 weeks & at 32 1/2 was admitted to the hospital for mild pre-eclampsia. I had my triplets at 34 weeks & delivered via c-section because that is the safest way to deliver triplets. My uterus was so stretched past its capacity that they had to take it out lay it on my stomach & watch it to make sure it was going to be able to contract itself back down. Having multiples is NOT an easy task. Its sorta like playing roulette you never know what is going to happen. You mentioned that you are extremely health conscious I have news for you it means NOTHING when pregnant with multiples. Your uterus can be fine one day & decide the next that its not going to cooperate. My 34 weekers (full term for triplets) 4+ lbs each all still spent time in the NICU. My girls were in for 10 days & my son 1 month. My son actually contracted a horrible staph infection while in there. You see, there is no predicting the future with multiples you are either in 100% & know that anything can happen & that you & your DH can handle it. Oh & BTW I have a DH who is perfect as well (halo, wings the whole 9 yards) & having three healthy children with ZERO setbacks non with any major complications & we still have had trying moments in our relationship since the children came. Your standards seem a bit high & I really hope your pregnancy can live up to it. Happy cooking!
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Jessicaplus3, Sep 18th 2008, #66
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #87
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Mama2five, Sep 18th 2008, #99
meshell Thu Sep-18-08 01:06 AM
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#375357, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Even if you have premature babies with no long term problems, there can be other issues. My son Aaron was born with a rare liver disease and it affects us everyday. Don't think that your parenting skills, 11 year marriage to a saint and eating healthy will protect you from everything. There are more important things to worry about than having a c-section and if you can breastfeed your babies because it is cleaner and more convenient.
mom to Marjorie 3/22/93
Evan 3/9/95
Paige, Leah, Aaron & Avery 4/30/05 @ 31 weeks
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kristim81 Thu Sep-18-08 02:29 AM
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#375382, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Wow. I cannot believe the words that you have just written.
"I ethically do not believe in premature children."
Are you serious???
I am sitting here, tears rolling down my face, wondering why on earth someone would come to a triplet board- a board where you KNOW there are going to be moms of premature babies- and make a statement like this.
Let me tell you a little something. And this comes from a mother 3 premature babies. Micro-preemies actually. Before you EVER make a statement like that again, read this.
You have not delivered premature babies.
You have not sat by their isolettes and watch them struggle to breathe.
You have not held a 1 1/2 lb. baby in your arms.
You have not cried to the point of exhaustion over the fact that you were not able to keep your precious babies in longer.
You have not felt the guilt of a mother of premature babies.
You have not walked next to your babies isolettes as they wheeled them down to the OR for yet another surgery.
You have never had a neonatologist come to your hospital room, mere hours after your babies were born, and have him tell you that he was sorry, that there was nothing else he could do.
You have not had a doctor tell you that your baby's brain is bleeding and they're not sure how it will effect him down the road.
You have not had your baby hooked up to a brain wave monitor, because after 3 days, he had not woken up.
You have not sat next to your baby, and watched him turn blue before your eyes, and have to leave the room while they try and revive him.
You have not gone to bed at night and wondered if you would receive a phone call in the middle of the night telling you that your baby had died.
You have not watched a nurse try to put an IV in your preemie baby. And discover that IV's do not last long in these tiny babies... And count the bruises all over their little bodies of all of the places that they have had IV'S put in the last few days.
You've never watched your baby cry out in pain, but not be able to hear her cries because she is on a ventilator.
You have not had a doctor tell you that your 24oz. baby girl has a terrible infection that has a 25% mortality rate.
You have not wept for hours on end because you lived an hour and a half from the hospital. The place that would become your babies home for the next 15 weeks.
You have not had your 3 1/2 year old daughter ask you, "Mommy, why are you and Daddy crying?" after the hospital called you with bad news.
You have not felt torn to have one baby at home, and two babies in the hospital an hour and a half away.
You have not felt guilty because due to the fact that you have PCOS, that at 12 weeks, you are no longer able to produce breast milk for your premature babies who so desperately need it.
You have not spent HUNDREDS of hours on the phone with insurance companies who automatically deny EVERYTHING.
You have not experienced any of these things.
So how DARE you come on here and say the things that you said.
Prematurity is not a CHOICE. It is not something that we as mothers CHOOSE. Our babies were not born early because we didn't eat enough, ate the wrong types of foods, or ANY of these reasons.
I would have gone to Hell and back to keep my babies in longer.
And the part about "having society pay for their birth defects". Have you been watching the news today??? Did you happen to see what the good old US spent $85 BILLION dollars on???
Shame on you for coming here and saying the things that you said. I will not sugar coat my response for you. You may have not written this post to me personally, but it sure felt like it.
I hope for your babies sake that you have a long, healthy pregnancy.
BBG April 9, 2007
26 weekers- Elijah, Joey and Rowan
Big sister Kadence 4 years old
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, LolasLadies, Sep 18th 2008, #72
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Kealoha12, Sep 18th 2008, #77
RE: Just found out! Triplets, franjipani, Sep 18th 2008, #79
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #84
RE: Just found out! Triplets, LolasLadies, Sep 18th 2008, #85
RE: Just found out! Triplets, sarahbee1983, Sep 18th 2008, #86
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #88
RE: Just found out! Triplets, rach3312, Sep 18th 2008, #93
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #97
RE: Just found out! Triplets, stephkessler, Sep 18th 2008, #96
RE: Just found out! Triplets, LolasLadies, Sep 18th 2008, #98
RE: Just found out! Triplets, rach3312, Sep 18th 2008, #89
RE: Just found out! Triplets, love my kids, Sep 18th 2008, #91
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #100
RE: Just found out! Triplets, rach3312, Sep 18th 2008, #106
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Mama2five, Sep 18th 2008, #101
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #108
RE: Just found out! Triplets, Mama2five, Sep 18th 2008, #111
RE: Just found out! Triplets, stephkessler, Sep 18th 2008, #114
RE: Just found out! Triplets, HOWMANY, Sep 18th 2008, #124
RE: Just found out! Triplets, moochie, Sep 18th 2008, #128
RE: Just found out! Triplets, lovemy5boys, Sep 18th 2008, #
RE: Just found out! Triplets, love my kids, Sep 18th 2008, #117
RE: Just found out! Triplets, lovemy5boys, Sep 18th 2008, #122
RE: Just found out! Triplets, love my kids, Sep 18th 2008, #126
RE: Just found out! Triplets, sarahandrich, Sep 18th 2008, #
RE: Just found out! Triplets, NC_tripmom, Sep 18th 2008, #120
Katzyton Thu Sep-18-08 02:54 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
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#375384, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
I also appreciate direct and honest opinions. So here is one. I think there will be many beautiful, hilarious, rewarding and amazing moments in your future that will make you look back at what you said here and feel like a giant idiot.
BBB - born March 19, 2007 33w6d
Isaiah - 4lb. 14oz.
Eli - 6lb. 12oz.
Luka - 5lb. 4oz.
Georgia - Dec 2002
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Terjee Thu Sep-18-08 03:13 AM
Member since Feb 04th 2008
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#375392, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Sep-18-08 03:24 AM by Terjee
The nurses in my NICU all had their own opinions about breastfeeding. I wish I had know this before so that I could have been a little stronger with my own beliefs. Looking back on it, I would have called in the Lactation Consultant a lot earlier. She was my greatest advocate in there. She had learned a few things in her 20 years or so of advising breastfeeding preemie moms. I think the thing to realize is that the nurses really want your babies to go home as soon as possible. Sometimes that means balancing the gavage and breast for a few days or weeks or longer.
DO the best that you can for your babies, sounds like you are already taking the right path and then expect that nothing will go according to your plan but hopefully it comes close. I definitely had my ideas turned upside down.
mom to GGG born 3-13-08 at 33 weeks
Eleanor Love 4.2
Thea Rose 4
Shay Mari 3.6
Xander 4 years old
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foreveramom Thu Sep-18-08 03:14 AM
Member since Jan 30th 2006
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#375394, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Once upon a time...
I gave birth to 40 weekers - they were robust take home babies. Doc said they were healthy because I found the perfect balance of healthy proteins, organic grains and fresh fruits and veggies.
I gave birth to them vaginally. Doc said I was able to because a female body was made for it. Not enough docs have faith in the female body.
Oh, did I mention that I gave birth at home? I did. I weighed what I had paid in for my insurance - only $300.00 a month to BCBS over the course of 5 years and realized that there was no way that BCBS was ever going to recover the cost of a triplet vag delivery (just in case my trio struggled afterward) if I had had them in a hospital.
I nursed them until they began to walk and before they hit the age of 2, they were reading complete sentences.
And then I woke up. What a dream I had!!!
Seriously. I did the best I could. 34 weekers - room breathers. But the still spent 2 weeks in the NICU. I eat organic and (OMG, don't laugh) I eat organic from a box, too! I breastfed and I formula fed (but does it count that we didn't qualify for WIC and instead had to buy our formula?). I had a c-section. And I didn't practice attachment parenting (but that's another chapter for further along in your story, huh?). Anyway, I have the coolest three-year-old cluster of madness ever and...
...we lived happily ever after. Incidentally, my happily-ever-after happened exactly how it was supposed to -- just not in the fairy tale way that everyone imagines in the beginning.
Mom of: Kristi(22), Kevin(19), Kelli(17), Angus(5) and GGB - Ruca, Nadia and Max (3) Born 10-14-04 at 34 weeks.
also www.angusandthetriplets.blogspot.com
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #94
dconnol2 Thu Sep-18-08 03:54 AM
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#375409, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
I remember being where you are... after we found out that we were pregnant with triplets(pretty early on, 7 or 8 weeks), our RE told us that selective reduction "was medically recommended". He was strongly suggesting it.
For about a week, my wife and I completely freaked out. We never, ever, ever, ever, ever thought we would consider SR. But here's this dr. telling us that it's "medically recommended". We googled triplet pregnancies, and found a lot of terrifying statistics. Plus, we read an article in the NY Times about a woman who delivered triplets at 26 weeks and all the problems she ran into leading up to that... it was terrifying.
After a few days of driving ourselves crazy focusing on all the things that could go wrong in a triplet pregnancy, we realized that there was no way we could ever reduce. We focused on what we could do to help improve the outcomes - recognizing that it wasn't all under our control... but we could at least do the best job possible of the things that were under our control.
The funny thing is - at about 12 weeks pregnant, we saw the MFM specialist for the first time. She was actually the department head - our RE's boss. She said that she did not recommend selective reduction for triplets; there was no conclusive evidence that it improved outcomes.
Things you have going for you:
-You've already had one kid. Things have already stretched out once. Triplet moms who have had at least one kid previously deliver their triplets on average a week later than first-time moms. Also, if you had a severe incompetent cervix or something like that, it probably would've showed up in your first pregnancy.
-You eat healthy. You obviously are concerned about how to eat well, and that will serve you well... but now you will likely need to learn to eat a LOT more - you'll be eating for four.
I very highly recommend Dr. Barbara Luke's book, "When you're expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads." My wife read it and lived by it. I don't know if it was following that book, or just genetics, but something worked - she gave birth to about 15 lbs. of triplets.
The last thing I'll leave you with is that having triplets will change you. I think my wife and I likely would've been fairly obsessive parents - ensuring that everything was done the 100% optimal way, reading a million books on parenting... but that's completely impossible with triplets. Unless you have a ton of help, life with triplets involves compromises. One likely compromise is that you'll probably have a c-section. Another possible compromise is that your body may not be physically able to produce enough milk for three babies. There are some women who can, and some who can't.
And then there's just the everyday stuff.. for example, optimally you would hold each baby while you feed them, and feed them one at a time so that they get your complete attention. But that could take up your whole day - you may end up not being able to do anything else with them... if you compromise on feeding and prop bottles and feed all three at one time, you're totally breaking that parenting "best practice" - but then you have time to spend with them doing other important developmental things like playing with them, tummy time, taking them out into the world to see new things, etc.
Best of luck with your pregnancy - I've found this board to be incredibly helpful, hope you do too.
Dad to GGB triplets
Rebecca Grace 5lb 1oz
Katherine Anne 5lb 1oz
Brendan Walter 4lb 12oz
Born 12/21/2007 at 33w 1d
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #90
RE: Just found out! Triplets, HOWMANY, Sep 18th 2008, #131
kndaigle Thu Sep-18-08 05:34 AM
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#375432, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
OK, well I found it. The post I was looking for to figure out what you guys were talking about in another post.
WELL, where do I start? I did not read all the other posts. Hope I am not too repetitive, but I am shocked after reading your post! If you had researched before posting then maybe the replies wouldn't be so harsh. Prematurity can happen in any pregnancy! C-sections happen with so many SINGLETON PREGNANCIES. What makes you think that reducing will take away this risk? That does not mean that you will have a vaginal delivery. I never wanted a section, let alone the scar and stretchmarks, but that is so not important. Being a mother is and having a safe delivery. Call me crazy, but isn't that what everyone wants? Anyway if I would have had twins, my outcome would probably have been the same. I had no choice or control in this pregnancy and you wont either! Diet does not influence many of the issues that cause preterm deliveries. Also, you do not PICK. Obviously you did not reseach anything before posting this. Reduction of which fetus is done by the highest one up in the uterus, or if there are any anomalies, then that fetuse would be selected. If I can remember correctly 95% of the time all are healthy and the most superior fetus is selected because it is the easiest to get to. Also, statistically the risks of reducing a triplet pregnancy are worse then continuing with the pregnancy. One more thing, what is so terrible about formula? Not everyone has a great supply. I was literally knocking myself out to the point of exhaustion with the pumping but still did not have enough. Many PCOS women have this problem. My babies are on formula and are doing just fine. Lots of babies are on formula, so sorry if you think that it is not good enough for yours. You know also lots of preemies can't breastfeed at first. Some are too small or too early that they don't have the coordination to suck, swallow, and breathe at the same time and have to be tube fed. The nurses always encourage breastfeeding when appropriate, but in the meanwhile you pump because it is the best thing for preemies. I don't know where you are "hearing" things from, but you do not have a reliable source. I am sad that you are so closeminded about everything. I do think that your opinions will definitely change when you realize that you aren't in control anymore.
Well welcome and congrats on your pregnancy! It is a truly amazing experience no matter the difficulties.
GGB born 10-13-07 @ 30 weeks
Addison 3.4lbs
Aiden 3.6 lbs
Averie 1.9lbs
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #92
scottnik Thu Sep-18-08 04:42 PM
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#375522, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
My daughter was intubated (the only one to do so) at 10 days old due to septic shock. Where do you draw the line? She was born after your arbitrary line of 29 weeks, but then developed an infection. Would you let her go instead of intubating her? What about if she were, say 1 month old? One year old? Where is that line drawn? Any line is arbitrary and your blunt generalizations are naive. Every child is different and every situation is different.
Once again, I am just going to tell you that your eyes will open like never before over the next several months. You will learn a great deal on this road ahead. Be prepared for the shock of your life!
GBG triplets born 4/2/05
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RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #102
Triplethefun04 Thu Sep-18-08 04:54 PM
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#375531, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
WOW, I think you have definitely crossed my line now. I was nice to you yesterday, but REALLY?? You have got to be a faker and just here to stir the pot.
You say you're from California, but you show up on my blog as coming from Denver, Colorado. So what gives? Are you for real or not? Cuz if you ain't - get the hell out of our villiage. If you are for real - then start reading some books and posts about premature children born around 29 weeks. Seriously you just want to give up on your child? You don't even want to fight for your child? Brain bleeds have levels of severity. Sometimes a surgery is necessary, but there isn't lifelong pain to that child, if the surgery fixes it. What if you say no to surgery and then that child of yours survives the prematurity you are so against and then has to live with pain, because you couldn't bear the thought of putting that premature child through a surgery that would have spared it that pain. But now it's too late to help that premature child? Now what? You have just caused your child pain unneccessarily.
My child was born at 33 weeks, 2 days, considered full-term in the triplet world. He had to be intubated immediately at birth. So should I have "let him go"??? Not on your life would I not give my child a fighting chance!! I don't care if it was on your dime. I pay insurance and that's what it's for! I'm not going to let my child die to save a dime.
Like someone else asked you, if your child developed cancer, would you do nothing to save your child?
Rethink your priorities. You supposedly have a child now, would you do nothing to save that child's life? I'm sure you would do everything possible, at least that's what I hope.
Tyler 17 1/2 years!!
Steph 15 1/2 years!!
Ayden, Ryley & Dylan 3 1/2 years!!
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albentrip Thu Sep-18-08 04:56 PM
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#375533, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Sep-18-08 04:59 PM by albentrip
You obviously know that you are offending people and are doing so repeatedly and on purpose.
You say you are not a fighter yet you are fighting with anyone who opposes your outlandish (there I've said it) views. You are creating your own stress.
In your original post you said you could not "kill" one of your babies via selective reduction yet you go on in other posts to say that you would kill a child born prior to 29 weeks (why not before 32 or 40?). WTF?
I'm sorry you did not slink off. You are either a faker or a cruel person. I prefer to think you are the former.
You don't deserve any support from the caring members of this forum. I suggest future posts by jblischke be ignored.
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3petes Thu Sep-18-08 04:57 PM
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#375535, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Get over yourself FAKER and get the hell off this board.
You are a selfish peice of crap and we can't help you here so get going.
Love my GGG ~
2 years old.....How did that happen?
Born on 08/07/06
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, stephkessler, Sep 18th 2008, #107
RE: Just found out! Triplets, jblischke, Sep 18th 2008, #109
RE: Just found out! Triplets, 3petes, Sep 18th 2008, #113
MSTAR Thu Sep-18-08 05:04 PM
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#375544, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Please, please don't reduce or leave the forum because the sheer magnitude of entertainment you will bring me will be priceless.
"World's Crunchiest Triplet Mom".
I personally think you will be just fine because of the grass-fed meat. That makes a HUGE difference, let me tell ya.
God, I already love you. Don't go!!!!
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, LolasLadies, Sep 18th 2008, #116
RE: Just found out! Triplets, MSTAR, Sep 18th 2008, #123
RE: Just found out! Triplets, LolasLadies, Sep 18th 2008, #127
hardentriplets Thu Sep-18-08 05:05 PM
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#375546, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
"I currently have a meeting with my perinatologist to speak about the subject of letting them go if born before 29 weeks with major complications.
NOW I'm sure that post is really going to PISS people off, but that is honestly how I feel, and as you all well know I'm not going to lie."
Actually I think you like conflict, and for you to keep saying stupid s**t makes me also think you crave it. Don't appoligize, you know your upsetting all of us and that's what your intentions are. You know there's humdreds of women on here who have delievered before week 29 and it didn't even faze you to spout off something like that. I hope your pg and children live up to your high standards and live a healthy life with no complications. As I said before what world do you live in where everyone is born healthy and in no pain? Because I would love for my children to live there! What you said makes you a cold hearted B! I think your a sick individual who has joined the wrong group. Go look for a cult to join on the web!
Proud Momma X 3!!!
-Brody Paul 3lbs 10oz
-Logan Dean 4lbs
-Seth Franklin 2lbs 9oz
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Mama2five Thu Sep-18-08 05:07 PM
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#375549, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
You keep saying "This is not the place for me". SO GO!!!!! Quit posting!!!! Get out of here if this is not the place for you! I can assure you that this is *not* the place for you.
There is probably a "Mommy Dearest" board out there somewhere.
Christa, her wonder uterus, and Josh (the daddy) have produced:
Reagan (4/28/04 @ 41 weeks)
Ethan (4/27/05 @ 43 weeks)
Delaney, Addie, and Joel (1/23/08 @ 35.4 weeks)
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3petes Thu Sep-18-08 05:13 PM
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#375555, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
How is that you do not support reduction, you support the right to die?
You do not support prematurity, yet you put three embryos back?
WTF? you have some really contradicting STRONG beliefs. If you're not a faker I don't know what you are. I stand by teh fact that you are a selfish person and probably don't deserve the child that you already have, let alone the three growing in your precious uterus.
Love my GGG ~
2 years old.....How did that happen?
Born on 08/07/06
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Replies to this subthread
RE: Just found out! Triplets, love my kids, Sep 18th 2008, #119
RE: Just found out! Triplets, HOWMANY, Sep 18th 2008, #125
RE: Just found out! Triplets, tripletmom05, Sep 18th 2008, #129
RE: Just found out! Triplets, love my kids, Sep 18th 2008, #132
curlygwen Thu Sep-18-08 05:27 PM
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#375561, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Sep-18-08 05:29 PM by curlygwen
I have stayed out of this so far, but the comment about letting a baby go if born before 29 weeks is way over the line. If you are indeed a real person with a real triplet pregnancy, you need to start educating yourself. You are so incredibly ignorant!
It is horrible to watch your child suffer. As a mom, I would think you would know that some suffering is inevitable. It doesn't mean that the child shouldn't have a chance at a life.
You need to think about your "beliefs". Because they are very selfish and not grounded in reality.
** And seriously, you're not going to treat your child if she has cancer?!! This has to be a joke.
Gwen and Zack
GGB born at 32 weeks, 4 days
Hayley 2 lbs., 5 oz.
Nolie 3 lbs., 4 oz.
Cole 3 lbs., 7 oz.
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amlink Thu Sep-18-08 05:37 PM
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#375574, "RE: Just found out! Triplets"
In response to Reply # 0
I tried to stop myself from responding, but I can't...
Isn't reduction butchery in and of itself? I mean, you are actually killing fetuses on purpose...seems a tad more like "butchery" than a C-section. Or perhaps you are anti-C-section for more selfish reasons...
I'm not sure of the medical ethics involved...but I am guessing that if you decide to let one of your children die by refusing to treat them medically, someone will probably attempt to get a court decide if you are really a fit parent...
In the end, if you are planning to let your kiddos die in the hospital, you may as well reduce...I'm surprised it is even an issue for you...
P.S. You'll note from my signature that I did not burden society with my babies...you can thank milkshakes, cheeseburgers, and french fries for that...oh wait, only ORGANIC living will produce healthy non-preemie tripets...I guess my babies did't get that memo!
GGG born 9/3/05 at 35w3d
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