MultiMom Tue Mar-16-10 05:48 PM
Member since Mar 16th 2010
3 posts
#459206, "Help from other triplet moms"
I just found this forum and love it. I have been lurking for a while but thought I should post with my first question for the been there done that, triplet moms-
I have a set of twins and a singleton that is 14.5 months older, so it is just like having triplets! The twins are 2 and my oldest is 3 now- of course I dress them alike and since they are all girls people assume they are a triplet set. I never correct them because they were technically conceived on the same day since we did IVF.
I have been working with the triplets on holding hands and listening when we go out in public and I am wondering what you all do about parking lot danger, and saying and enforcing simple safety issues. I just read a great book called Raising Godly Tomatoes and found the information to be really wonderful. There is an online forum there, but none of the parents seem to have the same dynamics as those of us with triplets do, so I am curious, how do you all keep them from running in three different directions? I am practicing in our driveway all the time but do not feel as though they get it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Sloan P.
Mom to three beautiful jewels; Amethyst, Ruby, and Pearl
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Replies to this topic
RE: Help from other triplet moms, mtmonkeys, Mar 16th 2010, #1
RE: Help from other triplet moms, pyjammy, Mar 17th 2010, #11
RE: Help from other triplet moms, kristin0727, Mar 16th 2010, #2
RE: Help from other triplet moms, MultiMom, Mar 16th 2010, #3
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Cat Ford, Mar 16th 2010, #4
RE: Help from other triplet moms, sheila mcmahan, Mar 16th 2010, #6
RE: Help from other triplet moms, MSTAR, Mar 16th 2010, #5
RE: Help from other triplet moms, SAReece, Mar 16th 2010, #7
RE: Help from other triplet moms, 3lilprincess, Mar 17th 2010, #8
RE: Help from other triplet moms, dancemom, Mar 17th 2010, #12
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Crystal, Mar 17th 2010, #9
RE: Help from other triplet moms, MultiMom, Mar 17th 2010, #13
RE: Help from other triplet moms, sandsstone, Mar 17th 2010, #15
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Megan Welfare, Mar 17th 2010, #21
RE: Help from other triplet moms, MSTAR, Mar 17th 2010, #22
RE: Help from other triplet moms, 3lilprincess, Mar 17th 2010, #26
RE: Help from other triplet moms, 3lilprincess, Mar 17th 2010, #27
RE: Help from other triplet moms, 6 times blessed, Mar 17th 2010, #18
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Crystal, Mar 17th 2010, #19
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Crystal, Mar 17th 2010, #29
RE: Help from other triplet moms, asmaio, Mar 17th 2010, #32
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Crystal, Mar 17th 2010, #33
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Tasha, Mar 18th 2010, #35
RE: Help from other triplet moms, sandsstone, Mar 17th 2010, #10
RE: Help from other triplet moms, cindarelli50, Mar 17th 2010, #14
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Lish, Mar 17th 2010, #16
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Lish, Mar 17th 2010, #17
RE: Help from other triplet moms, lovemy5boys, Mar 17th 2010, #20
RE: Help from other triplet moms, CarolynsBabies, Mar 17th 2010, #23
RE: Help from other triplet moms, MSTAR, Mar 17th 2010, #24
RE: Help from other triplet moms, Crystal, Mar 17th 2010, #28
RE: Help from other triplet moms, AndersonTrips, Mar 17th 2010, #25
RE: Help from other triplet moms, 4boysunder4, Mar 17th 2010, #31
RE: Help from other triplet moms, GatorNation, Mar 17th 2010, #30
RE: Help from other triplet moms, TARAinFL, Mar 18th 2010, #34
mtmonkeys Tue Mar-16-10 07:07 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
603 posts
#459211, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
Welcome to Triplet Connection I hope you have gained alot of useful information from triplet families. Raising triplets is somthing truely unique.
with that being said and you may hear this again from others while you may face some of the same experiences as triplet families the fact is that you do not have triplets nor were any of your children part of a triplet pregnancy (we do have several women who started out with triplets and lost one or more of her babies durring pregnancy or after birth those mommies are and will always be triplet mommies. You saying that you have triplets is like saying I have a set of twins since my older DDs are only a year apart and a set of triplets. while it was a challenge when my older girls were 2 and 3 it didnt compare to what it was like when my triplets were 2 or 3. I do joke with people that my kids friends are the 4 and 5 triplets because they all have birthdays with in 3 weeks of each other and most people around town associate the 5 kids as a combined unit since they are rarely apart from each other.
as far as the question you are asking the hand holding and enforcing safety issues just lay down the law and if they are not behaving let them know that this isnt somthing that is negotiable and be prepared to leave if they are not staying together and you need to be the one to stand behind it
GGB 4.5
G 13y G 14y
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pyjammy Wed Mar-17-10 09:08 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1305 posts
#459251, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 1
Identical BBB triplets born 12/4/07 at 33w2d
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kristin0727 Tue Mar-16-10 07:22 PM
Member since Oct 01st 2008
187 posts
#459212, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
Tue Mar-16-10 07:23 PM by kristin0727
I'm not sure why you have joined the Triplet Connection since you do not have triplets. The fact is that you do NOT have triplets. Since you do have twins, I would think that you would understand what having multiples is like and that someone having 2 singletons close in age is NOT the same as having twins. Same can be said for triplets - having 3 kids close in age is NOT the same as having triplets. A triplet pregnancy is nothing compared to a singleton or even a twin pregnancy - just like a quad pregnancy isn't the same as a triplet pregnancy. Having 3 newborns is not the same as having two newborns and a toddler. I would hope that you could see that.
Secondly, I think dressing your 3 girls alike and not correcting people when they think that they are triplets can cause issues in the future with your children. They are not triplets so you shouldn't pretend that they are triplets. If someone says something about them being triplets, then you should correct them and say they are twins and an older sibling. Acting like they are triplets could possibly cause identity issues and emotional issues with the girls at some point in the future. They are separate girls and the oldest is a different age than the twins so you should treat them as such.
Your kids are old enough to know to hold hands and be careful. You could always put the twins in a stroller and have the oldest hold your hand or hold onto the stroller at all times in a parking lot.
My guess is you are posting this just to stir things up on this board. Why don't you go post on a twins board with your questions/concerns b/c I'm sure many of them have an older or younger child close in age and can relate to your situation.
Mommy to:
L - 4 1/2
H - forever 2 days old
GGB Triplets - 10 1/2 months old
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MultiMom Tue Mar-16-10 08:45 PM
Member since Mar 16th 2010
3 posts
#459222, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 2
wow- that seems a little harsh- I understand that you do not consider my girls to be triplets but isn't it possible that I could reach out to the triplet mothers for support and perhaps a little wisdom? Is this forum only open to parents of triplets because if it is, I did not see that mentioned anywhere when I registered. I apologize if I missed that.
I do use a stroller but find that sometimes it is simpler to use a shopping cart- but what do you do at parks and places where the kids are supposed to walk? How do you corral them when one or two do not want to leave or go in another direction?
As for the identity issues, my twins know they are twins, and my oldest knows she is the big sister- we just call them triplets to keep it simple. Some of our friends and neighbors call them the triplets too, and I don't see the harm in it. I know someday they won't want to dress alike so this is my chance before they have an opinion.
I am a member of several twins boards, and a few of the other parenting forums but when I googled triplet parenting this site appeared and I have to admit I have learned a lot from the members.
I hope I did not offend anyone, I honestly was just trying to learn and grow my skills with three girls.
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Cat Ford Tue Mar-16-10 09:07 PM
Member since Jan 04th 2010
56 posts
#459229, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 3
I can not speak for anyone else in the forum, or for the PPs. I can only speak for me when I convey my feelings.
I'm sorry if you felt the responses were harsh. Here is my opinion : I am a member of a local (35 min drive to meetings) multiples club. They are ALL twin mothers. I read posts but found, through much frustration, that they truly have nothing in common, really, with my situation. It's simply not the same in any way shape or form.
I have two older children very close in age. The triplets are still no comparison to having close in age children. I would never assume to know what a quad mother went through/life is like any more than I would a quint mother even though I have 5 children. This is, for lack of a better way of explaining, a place I have found a group I finally feel a part of. The twin mothers locally have no grasp on having triplets. Just like I, as a singleton mother before, couldn't have grasped a twin parent role. This is my safe place of those like me. Those that understand the triplet life and the pregnancy I went through, the fight I endured, and the daily struggles I face.
I truly think it shaped me as a person and a parent just to have lived through a triplet pregnancy and I relate much clearer to those who have also been there. Who feared losing children, who fear RSV and still losing children, among many other things. It is our place for that. There are places for twin families and it seems that is where you may have your needs better met, again, just as I can't presume to know how a quad mother would feel/act/do. (and I must admit, I have so much respect for these mothers that I could not even imagine feeling like I can comprehend the strength these women possess)
It's a little bit offensive, to have these battle scars, and hear of someone else claiming triplets when indeed that is not what they have or where they have been. It's fake. It also may depreciate how your oldest feels about being who they are and may effect self-esteem later on that you do not feel as strongly because they are not part of the "set" you portray. Not trying to drag you down here, just being totally honest on the concerns from a triplet mom reading your posting. I'm sure you will agree it is ALL about them and what is best for them after all, and it just seems so unhealthy to allow public - and your - label of triplets to continue.
We also, as High Order Multiple Mothers, find that less and less are companies willing to offer discounts for multiple purchase for those out there who claim to be what they are not and that leaves a bad feeling - at least it does to me.
I hope this makes sense and casts some light for you on where we are. I appreciate your search for answers and support, I hope that you take in my constructive criticism with an open mind.
Bri, Mikayla, Tristan 3/09 (32.2)
Sage 10/06
Hunter 11/04
Matisse (CH Siberian Husky, Agility)
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sheila mcmahan Tue Mar-16-10 09:21 PM
Member since Nov 23rd 2008
466 posts
#459232, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 4
I have to agree with the previous posts. HOMs are not the same beast as twins.
It is offensive when people have claimed to have triplets, when they in fact did not. They are referred to as "fakers" and are not looked upon kindly.
I would advise you to cease telling people you have triplets when you do not.
GGB 10/29/06 (33 weeks)
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MSTAR Tue Mar-16-10 09:16 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3478 posts
#459231, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
I totally feel you. I have quads. Not really, but you know my triplets and singleton are only sixteen months apart, so what's the diffence?
What you need to do is stake your kids early, then ambush them in the parking lot as soon as they get out of line. WHACK! Drive around with a flyswatter in your sun visor and turn around and WHACK the #### out of them when they step out of line. I used a wooden spoon in my diaper bag when we were out of the car. Do a karate move with your flyswatter and wooden spoon to keep them in line while screeching like a crazed Indian. I highly recommed this move to keep them wondering if you are going to FREAK OUT and bust a move.
Good luck and welcome to you and your trio.
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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SAReece Tue Mar-16-10 09:37 PM
Member since May 11th 2009
488 posts
#459235, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 5
AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You crack me up Michele!
I have to agree with what everyone else has said. Its not the same, even if you have kids that are 6 months apart (yes its possible), its still not the same and it is insulting when people are dismissive about how hard it is to be a triplet parent by saying that 3 kids close in age are like triplets, because they arent and no matter how you slice it, they never will be. That would be like one of the several triplet moms on here that have lost a child, calling them twin parents, they are not, they are triplet parents with 2 surviving triplets. They will NEVER be a twin parent just like you will NEVER be a triplet parent (unless your next pregnancy is triplets.)
Now with that being said, when my singleton was 2 and 3, she was definitely big enough to hold hands or to "make a train" as we called it by holding hands with 2 kids.
And I have to agree with everyone else about not calling them triplets. I really do have triplets and I hate calling them "the triplets" because I do not want that label on them. I see them as 3 little people with their own personality and individualism, they have names and its not "the triplets." AND Dressing them alike, again I still have never did that because they are not the same person and you are dressing twins and a singleton alike and calling it triplets? Wow. I would stop that before they are so confused they dont know if they are coming or going.
Shely~ Mom to 1+GGB
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3lilprincess Wed Mar-17-10 07:58 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
384 posts
#459246, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 5
I second MSTAR. You really have to watch and act right away,doing a quick karate move with the flyswatter AND wooden spoon is a brilliant idea for keeping them inline. I cant wait to try it out today! It is very good to keep them wondering.
As far as calling them triplets, I think you need to seek professional help, that seems a bit crazy to me!
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dancemom Wed Mar-17-10 10:54 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
475 posts
#459262, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 5
so do you think that wooden spoon and fly swatter move would still work on teenage triplets to keep them in line? lol..
Trish Dawson
Mom to bgg (1992 @ 31
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Crystal Wed Mar-17-10 08:01 AM
Member since May 27th 2008
1085 posts
#459247, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
This post was hilarious! Twins and a close singleton being "just like triplets". And the stupid names of your "jewels". I love it. Thanks for the laugh!!!
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MultiMom Wed Mar-17-10 11:42 AM
Member since Mar 16th 2010
3 posts
#459265, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 9
WOW- I can appreciate the views of the members here about my twins not being triplets, but to call my girls names stupid is a bit much. Was that necessary? I am glad I did not attach a photo of my jewels for fear you would have called them ugly too. I would never, under any circumstances call someone elses children's name stupid- every child is a gift from God.
I am sorry to have opened this can of worms, I can't believe someone who does not even know me would be so quick to judge the names I chose and then laugh about it.
I am sure I am missing so inside joke or something- because all this chatter about flyswatters and LOL at my expense is really baffling.
I can take a hint though- thanks to those of you who were mature enough to answer my original post.
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sandsstone Wed Mar-17-10 12:04 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2999 posts
#459270, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 13
We get a lot of teens/weirdos on here who also like to pretend they have triplets (or more)...some are trying to scam others members out of $$$, some just have issues and need professional help. Due to to a number of key phrases you used, the red flags started waving immediately.
Are you a member of a local MOM group? Many of the ladies, including myself, are and we find it very helpful too. Perhaps you could let us know which group and one of our members could help or direct you to some resources.
Parent to GGG born 31 weeks 4 days 4/26/07
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Megan Welfare Wed Mar-17-10 02:19 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
6178 posts
#459290, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 13
Wed Mar-17-10 02:20 PM by Megan Welfare
Hey, we get a LOT of fakers here. In the past, they have ripped a number of us off as we donated money & stuff, as well as our getting emotionally invested in people's problems (which were faked) and then hurt. I think just because your girls' names go together, people are assuming you are a faker.
The flyswatter & staking your kids comments are a jab at me. Everyone here thinks I am way too strict.
Do you have any friends who have two kids who are a year or 18 months apart? If they tried to equate their situation to yours, you would be insulted, right, because clearly it is NOT the same! Imagine adding one more, so that you have more newborns than hands, and as you can imagine since most triplets are born very prematurely (the average being 31-32 weeks), almost all of us deal with kids who have major health issues, at least in the beginning. So you can see why it is insulting and that gets people riled up. It's just a very different situation.
The forums really are for those with triplets and more. You are welcome, though, to search, and hopefully you will find some good info. The regular search function is useless - use the advanced search feature instead. Many people here use the term "harness" instead of "leash", so you may have better luck searching with that.
Good luck to you, and my apologies if your feelings are hurt.
BGG born 4/25/05 at 31w1d
New baby girl born 9/19/06
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MSTAR Wed Mar-17-10 03:45 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3478 posts
#459297, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 21
Ewwwwwwwww. Are you jabbing me back?
That's it now. You made me do it! I'm getting the flyswatter.
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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3lilprincess Wed Mar-17-10 05:33 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
384 posts
#459307, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 22
OMFG MSTAR.. Seriously you need to put up a warning, I just fell off my chair laughing.. LMAO!
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3lilprincess Wed Mar-17-10 05:33 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
384 posts
#459308, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 22
OMFG MSTAR.. Seriously you need to put up a warning, I just fell off my chair laughing.. LMAO!
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6 times blessed Wed Mar-17-10 12:55 PM
Member since Dec 17th 2008
223 posts
#459280, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 9
The nasty remark about the children's names is completely uncalled for. I understand you don't agree with her about her so-called "triplets"......neither do I.....but the personal attack about the names is just low.
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Crystal Wed Mar-17-10 01:02 PM
Member since May 27th 2008
1085 posts
#459281, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 18
I seriously thought this was someone creating a user name and making a joke. I'm still having a hard time believing it's real. Sorry if I offended anyone. I am just sitting in the hospital with one of my real triplets right now and was cracking up reading this because it seemed like a big joke.
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Crystal Wed Mar-17-10 05:48 PM
Member since May 27th 2008
1085 posts
#459310, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 18
By the way, if you click on the username and look at the profile, you'll see that this "mom" used a real name of 9009dufus and that she marked "male" for gender.
So now do you see why I think this is a joke?
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asmaio Wed Mar-17-10 09:11 PM
Member since Sep 09th 2008
564 posts
#459322, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 29
Wed Mar-17-10 09:12 PM by asmaio
For some reason I think the default is male? I seem to remember when I first signed on it said I was a male too. But that was awhile ago, maybe I just don't remember right anymore.
Julia, ^Caitlin^ (stillborn due to encephalocele complications) & Gabrielle
30 weeks, 2 days
We're Marching for Babies!
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Crystal Wed Mar-17-10 09:55 PM
Member since May 27th 2008
1085 posts
#459326, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 32
Well the default name is definitely not 9009dufus, lol
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Tasha Thu Mar-18-10 06:42 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
2241 posts
#459345, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 33
I often think it should be.
Julia, Megan and Alex 7/00
Abby 12/02
My before and after TT blog
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sandsstone Wed Mar-17-10 08:59 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2999 posts
#459249, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
While this site is a wealth of information for dealing with PG, infants, children and dealing with life in the crazy zone...for those that like "pretending" they are a triplet is best used only for searches.
I suggest you use the advanced search to look up holding hands, running away, leashes...etc.
Parent to GGG born 31 weeks 4 days 4/26/07
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cindarelli50 Wed Mar-17-10 11:55 AM
Member since Jun 19th 2008
78 posts
#459268, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Mar-17-10 12:24 PM by cindarelli50
Oh man!! I love this stuff....
I think the fly swatter and wooden spoon are brilliant ideas..thanks so much.
And on a related mother had 6 children very close together (each one was about a year apart)and she used a metal spoon!!!....
Anyway.. while she never claimed she had sextuplets, once my triplets were born she thought, "Big deal. I had six kids and could handle it. How hard could triplets be"...
She thought that until she came over to visit when they were a few weeks old. Let's just say each night she couldn't wait to get into her bed (one night she even just quickly handed me a baby and said, "I have to go to sleep NOW!!). And when she left our house to go back to her house she told me the whole experience was insane and very very hard. I never felt so great that someone could see having triplets is not easy (and not that having 6 kids is easy's just a different experience than having 3 kids all at once).
As others have already said..having triplets is not the same as anything else. I'm sure having kids close in age is very tough especially for the issue you are facing.
For the parking lots or parks, can you use a backpack with the tether attached (many multiple moms use these for young kids) or they make a rope with rings that you could have each child hold onto? Keep practicing at home holding hands. Good luck.
BGB born November 6, 2008 at 33 weeks and 3 days
Ryan Patrick 4 lbs 10 oz
Noelle Alyssa 4 lbs 8 oz
Evan Christopher 4 lbs 10 oz>
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Lish Wed Mar-17-10 12:23 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
93 posts
#459271, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 14
Ouch. "Stupid names?" Even though the post was strange, attacking her kids names? Ouch.
Anna Lucia, 4lbs 7oz
Matthew Ronald, 4lbs
Sophia Christine, 3lbs 13oz
Born screaming 2/5/07!
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Lish Wed Mar-17-10 12:23 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
93 posts
#459272, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 14
Wed Mar-17-10 12:24 PM by Lish
double post
Anna Lucia, 4lbs 7oz
Matthew Ronald, 4lbs
Sophia Christine, 3lbs 13oz
Born screaming 2/5/07!
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lovemy5boys Wed Mar-17-10 01:50 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1466 posts
#459286, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
I understand . I actually refer to mine as quints because I had them all so close. It really is like the same thing!!!! Ha! And for what its worth, my real life twins mom friends who have been around our family a lot would NEVER say they understand what I deal with compared to them because they don't!!
proud mom to
DS 7
DS 4
BBB 9/29/06 born @ 32w2d
" "
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CarolynsBabies Wed Mar-17-10 03:59 PM
Member since Mar 19th 2006
543 posts
#459298, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
I had Quints, and didnt even know it. No wonder I am tired.
GGB @ 31.6 wks
Liz ~ 3lb 10oz
Erin ~ 3lb 12oz
Thomas ~ 3lb 1oz
Ava 7-16-04
Elle 7-19-02>
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MSTAR Wed Mar-17-10 05:00 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3478 posts
#459304, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
Ohmygosh, honey. We would never make fun of your gems. I found your blog online and I just want to say your girls are beautiful.
Bless their little hearts.
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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Crystal Wed Mar-17-10 05:44 PM
Member since May 27th 2008
1085 posts
#459309, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 24
Jewels, not gems.
And those are purrrrty.
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AndersonTrips Wed Mar-17-10 05:26 PM
Member since Jan 07th 2010
2 posts
#459306, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
Hi Triplet Moms,
I am 25 weeks preganant with triplet boys. For months I have checked this site everyday for the useful tips and comments that have really helped me during my pregnancy and the provision of extremely useful tips and expectations as to what life will be like when the Boys are born. Although I don't think anything can actually prepare me for what is to come : ).
Although, my triplets are not yet born and I have no idea what my husband and I are about to face I was somehow put off by this post because as many of you have said it isn't the same. I guess for me, at this time, I feel that only HOMs can understand the constant worry and praying that the triplets will stay in the womb until they can be born alive and healthy too. Being that this is a major issue with high order multiples from day one of your pregnancy. I do my best to remain positive but at the same time have not given into my instinct to nest and prepare the nursery just yet.
Reading your comments made me realize that this is more than just an on-line forum but a community of familes that reach out to support one another. I really appreciate that this is here and am glad that I can be a part of it. I live in a smaller community with little else out there to help. Anyway, if anything positive came from this post it is that realization.
I have been on bed rest at home since 19 weeks and have 11 more to go. Thank you for all the great questions and answers being posted!
25 Weeks Pregnant with BBB
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4boysunder4 Wed Mar-17-10 08:14 PM
Member since Jan 07th 2008
269 posts
#459316, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 25
Amie, that's such a sweet post in a thread that deals with so much of the strangeness that being a triplet family and part of TC can bring! Life will definitely never be the same, for any of us. Welcome to the community, and make sure to join the BBB clothing exchange, too. Let us know if you have any questions and good luck! You're almost there!
DS 3/05 and identical BBBs at 33w6d 3/08>
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GatorNation Wed Mar-17-10 08:02 PM
Member since Jan 26th 2009
155 posts
#459315, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 0
I say it's basically the same thing. What's in a name? That which we call a collection of tomatoes by any other name would smell as sweet. Am I right or am I right?
Rock on with your semi-full quiver of precious and semi-precious triplets.
Gary, Father to Piper, Henry and Rosemary, June 25, 2008 (30 weeks, 0 days)
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TARAinFL Thu Mar-18-10 05:53 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1019 posts
#459341, "RE: Help from other triplet moms"
In response to Reply # 30
I LOVE your posts, but this one is the BEST YET!!
"Rock on with your semi-full quiver of precious and semi-precious triplets"
Mom to BBG born at 33wks on 4/3/03
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