akcmachine Fri Mar-26-10 03:09 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
996 posts
#460418, "The White Glove Test-"
What is your idea of a clean house? The other post got me all riled up about being obsessively neat and missing out on the important things in life, like happy, well adjusted, healthy kids. I know the difference between keeping my house tidy and organized (this is my level at present) versus being all consumed with cleaning. I have never been accused of that- however, what is the triplet moms measurement of a bare minimum for the rating of: clean home?
I have a dedicated play room for the kids and they are allowed to color on the walls because it is a free for all. The toys are picked up every night but during the day it is a war zone. We have hard surface floors in all rooms but that, so we vacuum it as needed. There is a huge stain where the kids swiped a 16 ounce jar of honey from the kitchen counter and dumped it on the carpet. Shy of replacing the berber, there is nothing that can be done to remove the residual stain. Almost all of the windows have fingerprints, the leather couches are hodge podged with crayon and marker on the back from when Daddy was supposed to be in there supervising them with an art project- he fell asleep.
I am posting this because just recently I made a decision to live more in the moment with my kids. I decided to spend my available time educating, schelpping them places and taking time to have fun. I doubt they will remember me being a slave to the house, rather, a mom who cared enough to get her priorities straight. Am I just lazy for not dividing my time more on cleaning? I just feel like I am stretched thin every day and given the choice, I would much rather enjoy my children. If I had the financial means to hire a cleaning person I would do it, but right now, that is not an option.
Are there any other moms who feel this way? I can't get past the thought that my house should come before the safety and well being of the kids.
I am sure my house will be spotless and magazine ready again when they are all in school. Until then, if anyone wants to come over, they are warned in advance.
Helene, mom of Amanda, Mitchell, our trio: Eli, Natalie, and CJ the 28 weekers and Baby Charlotte
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Replies to this topic
RE: The White Glove Test-, CarolynsBabies, Mar 26th 2010, #1
RE: The White Glove Test-, asmaio, Mar 26th 2010, #7
RE: The White Glove Test-, Megan Welfare, Mar 26th 2010, #2
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 26th 2010, #3
RE: The White Glove Test-, 3lilprincess, Mar 26th 2010, #12
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 27th 2010, #27
RE: The White Glove Test-, 3lilprincess, Mar 28th 2010, #52
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 28th 2010, #54
RE: The White Glove Test-, 3lilprincess, Mar 28th 2010, #57
RE: The White Glove Test-, roe, Mar 26th 2010, #13
RE: The White Glove Test-, 3lilprincess, Mar 26th 2010, #14
RE: The White Glove Test-, Tasha, Mar 26th 2010, #18
RE: The White Glove Test-, roe, Mar 27th 2010, #25
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 27th 2010, #28
RE: The White Glove Test-, Tasha, Mar 27th 2010, #32
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 27th 2010, #34
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #31
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 27th 2010, #33
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #35
RE: The White Glove Test-, 4kds4me, Mar 27th 2010, #41
RE: The White Glove Test-, MSTAR, Mar 27th 2010, #42
RE: The White Glove Test-, roe, Mar 27th 2010, #43
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #36
RE: The White Glove Test-, GatorNation, Mar 27th 2010, #40
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #44
RE: The White Glove Test-, Mamakitten3, Mar 26th 2010, #4
RE: The White Glove Test-, Wiltrip5, Mar 26th 2010, #5
RE: The White Glove Test-, cdemp, Mar 26th 2010, #6
RE: The White Glove Test-, roe, Mar 26th 2010, #16
RE: The White Glove Test-, MSTAR, Mar 26th 2010, #8
RE: The White Glove Test-, Crystal, Mar 26th 2010, #9
RE: The White Glove Test-, MSTAR, Mar 27th 2010, #21
RE: The White Glove Test-, quadmom121203, Mar 28th 2010, #56
RE: The White Glove Test-, LvTriplets, Mar 26th 2010, #15
RE: The White Glove Test-, MSTAR, Mar 27th 2010, #19
RE: The White Glove Test-, sandsstone, Mar 27th 2010, #37
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #38
RE: The White Glove Test-, CaliTriple, Mar 28th 2010, #55
RE: The White Glove Test-, SAReece, Mar 26th 2010, #10
RE: The White Glove Test-, amlink, Mar 26th 2010, #11
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 26th 2010, #17
RE: The White Glove Test-, MSTAR, Mar 27th 2010, #20
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #22
RE: The White Glove Test-, Tanna, Mar 27th 2010, #24
RE: The White Glove Test-, Tanna, Mar 27th 2010, #23
RE: The White Glove Test-, Hillyt, Mar 27th 2010, #26
RE: The White Glove Test-, lovemy5boys, Mar 27th 2010, #30
RE: The White Glove Test-, Hillyt, Mar 28th 2010, #50
RE: The White Glove Test-, abaros07, Mar 28th 2010, #51
RE: The White Glove Test-, lovemy5boys, Mar 27th 2010, #29
RE: The White Glove Test-, LolasLadies, Mar 27th 2010, #39
RE: The White Glove Test-, akcmachine, Mar 27th 2010, #45
RE: The White Glove Test-, SAReece, Mar 27th 2010, #47
RE: The White Glove Test-, PA triplets, Mar 27th 2010, #48
RE: The White Glove Test-, nermeen, Mar 27th 2010, #46
RE: The White Glove Test-, deb3, Mar 28th 2010, #49
RE: The White Glove Test-, cdemp, Mar 28th 2010, #53
CarolynsBabies Fri Mar-26-10 03:27 PM
Member since Mar 19th 2006
546 posts
#460422, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
At this exact moment, I have 2 empty bags of popcorn on the floor with the "extra" popcorn that happened to miss their mouths surrounding the floor, couch, rug, and anywhere else you can think of. 4 kid blankets, several toys, 3 juice cups, dress up shoes and Easter basket grass (which came home with the others from school)to cover it all up, so no one sees these items on the rug. My mess is a basket of clean unfolded clothes a half filled coffee cup from this am, but still drinkable as far as I am concerned.
Dishes got done this am, I showered thanks to Sponge Bob. I did manage to clean up the bomb in the triplets room from yesterday.
On that note, I colored today. I played outside on tricycles. Sat with them for Lunch at the table as they fed me their PB&J sandwiches. Kissed a few Boo-Boo's, Played dress up, Took a trip to the store that was "fun" for them because they got to touch everything they saw.
The mess will be picked up when they are sleeping, and it will be back tomorrow yet again. But they made the mess with love, and I will live with that any day.
GGB @ 31.6 wks
Liz ~ 3lb 10oz
Erin ~ 3lb 12oz
Thomas ~ 3lb 1oz
Ava 7-16-04
Elle 7-19-02
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asmaio Fri Mar-26-10 04:32 PM
Member since Sep 09th 2008
589 posts
#460431, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 1
Clean clothes to wear for all of us, clean dishes, relatively clean counter tops (will probably be a bit more obsessive about this once we move and I have my kitchen aid back and can bake again!), toys not all over the place when the girls are down for the night. I clean up major food spills, and try to keep everything in its place, though sometimes "in its place" means a jumble of papers on the counter. I am also a proponent of "if you can keep knick knacks from being moved, nobody will notice the dust". Vacuum when we have as much dog hair on us as the dog has on her. My house isn't disgusting - nobody's going to be afraid they're going to catch anything using the bathroom or eating off my plates. It looks like what it is - the house of a family with two infants who aren't using what free time they have to pass the white glove test! They're not going to appreciate if I keep it clean, so why bother?!
Julia, ^Caitlin^ (stillborn due to encephalocele complications) & Gabrielle
30 weeks, 2 days
We're Marching for Babies!
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Megan Welfare Fri Mar-26-10 03:37 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
6206 posts
#460423, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Mar-26-10 03:41 PM by Megan Welfare
Clean bathrooms & kitchen. Laundry & dishes reasonably close to caught up. Everything else is gravy! The dust layer currently in my dining room is not to be believed.
I do have the kids put their stuff.. They do backpacks, shoes, coats, etc. as soon as they walk in the door, and at the end of every day every toy has to go back in the right spot. (We have tons of bins in the playroom - all the balls go in one bin, dolls & related stuff in one bin, etc. So it doesn't really take them that long - the bins aren't neat by any stretch, but at least it is all off the floor!)
And every paper that comes in the house (from mailbox, backpacks, medical appts, receipts, whatever) gets sorted into an incline file folder storage thing. If not immediately upon entering the house then before the end of the night. We have files for receipts, bills to be paid, kids' artwork, medical paperwork, catalogs to look through, etc. One file for everything that comes in the house commonly. The incline file system is a temporary storage. Receipts will get filed once a week or so, bills filed in the bill notebook when paid, medical paperwork goes to kids' medical files, etc.
With those things done, I guess I figure that's good enough. My house is passable. Certainly not perfect by any means, but people who come in are usually surprised that it isn't worse given that we have triplets!
BGG born 4/25/05 at 31w1d
New baby girl born 9/19/06
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4kds4me Fri Mar-26-10 03:40 PM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460424, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Mar-26-10 03:50 PM by 4kds4me
My house is spotless and "magazine ready". My own mother was a slob and I vowed never to be like her....It took me years of therapy to overcome the resentment of all the time she spent with us kids rather than keeping a clean home.
I've learned from her mistakes and am a much better housekeeper because of it.
This is so dumb. The other post was pulled for a reason. Why the heck keep on stirring the pot? And I'll beat you gals to it..."and yes, yet YOU chose to respond to this one." Guilty as charged.
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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3lilprincess Fri Mar-26-10 09:14 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
396 posts
#460458, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 3
Fri Mar-26-10 09:15 PM by 3lilprincess
*That* post was pulled because someone said "Your A Bitch" Which by coincidence is exactualy what you are! You read the title, if you dont like it move along then!
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4kds4me Sat Mar-27-10 03:34 PM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460512, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 12
Your SUCH a classy chic! Chill out and try not to let me get under your skin so much. You obviously have some anger issues and anger takes way too much energy. Think happy thoughts.
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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3lilprincess Sun Mar-28-10 10:21 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
396 posts
#460578, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 27
No need for me to chill out, although you may want to. You were the one who came here being a sarcastic asshat!
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4kds4me Sun Mar-28-10 11:26 AM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460583, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 52
No more worries little princess. I can feel your hate. This will probably be my last post at TC. The direction in which this forum as been allowed to go has been disappointing to many of us long-term members. Things were so much different back in 2002 when I first joined this forum and we have lost MANY of our long-term posters because of this. Many of them have simply given up. Yes, there was always the occasional flame-war, but it was quickly extinguished by the moderators. And those flame-wars NEVER got as ugly as they do now. Never. Hopefully, the moderators will wake up, do a little housecleaning (no pun intended) and restore the intergrity that this forum once had. TC is a great organization and thankfully, this forum is only a very small part of it.
I'm sure I've made some members very happy. Trust me. No love lost here either. Surrounding myself with people who obviously have absolute 100% HATE for me isn't something that I want for myself.
Ta-ta and I wish you all the best. Truly. And I am saying this without wearing my sarcastic asshat.
Time for someone to drag out the "I'm leaving TC!" thread because I am sure it's going to be oh-so-much-fun for you all! LOL! Have at it!
Signing off,
Rolling over in submission. You win. I lose. Uncle!
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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3lilprincess Sun Mar-28-10 12:02 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
396 posts
#460587, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 54
Honestly you are probably gone now and wont respond to this.. (.insert eye roll.) but it is not that I hate you. You are one of the most negative people I have encountered on here and you started this "flame war".
Tc is a great resource for so many people and there are a few here who ruin it for the rest yes, but you are not fooling anyone with your constant sarcasim..
I wish you all the best.
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roe Fri Mar-26-10 10:03 PM
Member since Oct 22nd 2009
150 posts
#460463, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 3
I don't think you're a B-.
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3lilprincess Fri Mar-26-10 10:11 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
396 posts
#460464, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 13
Oh well then just wait..
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Tasha Fri Mar-26-10 11:27 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
2251 posts
#460471, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 3
Why is this dumb Gina? How was this post stirring the pot? Besides you deciding to mock it?
I didn't get involved in that other long thread but I did see a definite disconnect between the two sides. I don't know what Roe's definition of keeping a clean house and staying presentable are when she asked her original question. I think that is where the disconnect happened. Many people saw "cleaning" "presentable" and other buzz word and read into those that it meant to THEM. From the post it seem most thought Roe was asking how do you keep your house spotless, fix your hair, put on makeup, and get dressed in the latest fashions everyday after the kids are born. But "keeping the house clean and looking presentable" may have totally different meaning to her. A post like this could clarify things. Who knows maybe she will read someones post that has similar expectations to her own that she can private message.
So again I ask you. How is THIS POST which is specifically asking people what their definition of keeping a clean home "stirring the pot"? If anything it is clarifying it. It is hard to accept advice from others if you don't know from where their advice is coming from. A little clarification is a good thing. It really looks like you are the one wanting to start drama here.
Julia, Megan and Alex 7/00
Abby 12/02
My before and after TT blog
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roe Sat Mar-27-10 01:42 PM
Member since Oct 22nd 2009
150 posts
#460503, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 18
I most definitely did NOT mean dressing in any latest fashions. I think people just read into it, the way they wanted to.
*waves hand*
Who cares. Those who understood the question answered it, and were very helpful. I do however, love to wear makeup
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4kds4me Sat Mar-27-10 03:35 PM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460513, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 18
I call 'em like I see 'em! LOL! History dictates.
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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Tasha Sat Mar-27-10 04:37 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
2251 posts
#460518, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 28
That is very true. I guess I will have to search the OP here because I don't remember her being a drama whore unlike some people habitually bring up dramas after the fact and try to act innocent about it.
Julia, Megan and Alex 7/00
Abby 12/02
My before and after TT blog
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4kds4me Sat Mar-27-10 05:09 PM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460521, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 32
Sat Mar-27-10 05:10 PM by 4kds4me
Not worthy of a response.
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 04:32 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460517, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 3
GAG. Could the powers that be please pull Gina's posts?
I thought this thread was actually pretty mature by taking the GOOD that came from the other thread and starting a healthy discussion about cleaning. It's refreshing to read about people with different/similar standards as mine, since I've always felt like I'm drowing in a pool of housework!
Gina, I used to wonder why people were so hard on you 3 years ago. It didn't take long to figure it out. If you're gonna be self-righteous, start by NOT making fun of MSTAR's mom's deathbed regrets.
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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4kds4me Sat Mar-27-10 05:07 PM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460520, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 31
Sat Mar-27-10 05:11 PM by 4kds4me
WTF are you talking about? Deathbed regrets? How DARE you accuse me of making fun of someone's mom's death! HOW DARE YOU! OMG!!! WTF?!?
If your goal was to totally piss me off and insult me to the core, well my dear, you have accomplished that goal! OMG!!! Again, HOW DARE YOU MAKE THAT ACCUSATION?
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 08:03 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460535, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 33
Ummm... that whole post of Michele's that you have TWICE now made fun of?
Once on the other thread, calling Michele a "classy lady" in sarcasm and poking fun at the pictures of her kids, saying you could do better by taking pictures of your own shite, and mocking her on this thread: "My own mother was a slob and I vowed never to be like her.... It took me years of therapy to overcome the resentment of all the time she spent with us kids rather than keeping a clean home. I've learned from her mistakes and am a much better housekeeper because of it."
Did you read Michele's post all the way through or did you just take what you wanted to make fun of and leave?
How's about you go back and read it and THEN see what a jackass you look like for assuming you know why Michele feels the way she does.
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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4kds4me Sat Mar-27-10 09:41 PM
Member since Mar 29th 2007
1237 posts
#460549, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 35
I never poked fun at the pics of her kids. If YOU had read MY response all the way through, you would have seen that I called her kids adorable, because they ARE!
Forget it. Stick a fork in me...
"Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."-- Gillian Anderson
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MSTAR Sat Mar-27-10 09:53 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3524 posts
#460550, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 35
Michele will tell you why Michele feels the way she does, and it doesn't even include the "mentally ill mother". Michele has a child with a brain tumor. Michele does not have time to worry about clean houses. Michele has an entire lifetime to fit into a short amount time just in case Michele's child dies. Michele doesn't want her own deathbed regrets.
(I'm trying to confuse Gary by writing in third person.)
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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roe Sat Mar-27-10 10:14 PM
Member since Oct 22nd 2009
150 posts
#460552, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 42
To be fair,
I had no idea about your son having a brain tumor. I can see why you don't care about clean houses. While I'm still not crazy about the way you approached me, I can understand where you might be coming from. Rather, I can try to understand. I have no idea how I would deal with that.
I do hope that your son lives a really long and happy life. And I mean that.
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 08:05 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460536, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 33
And I said "deathbed REGRETS" not "death."
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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GatorNation Sat Mar-27-10 09:36 PM
Member since Jan 26th 2009
160 posts
#460547, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 36
Confused on the drama. Is Gina 4kids4me - - and is Gillian Anderson the actress who used to be on the X files? I've been on here for two years; why don't I know this? Is it too much to ask for names in signature lines and quotes from people I recognize.
Gary, Father to Piper, Henry and Rosemary, June 25, 2008 (30 weeks, 0 days)
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 11:01 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460554, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 40
Yes, and I think so. I think we should limit quotes to those from Disney movies and actors from The Office, that way I might recognize the names.
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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Mamakitten3 Fri Mar-26-10 03:53 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1531 posts
#460425, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
Ive got 3 kids and a full time job, the 2 things that are most important are clean. one of of my boys and I have asthma therfore I am a freak about dust and clean floors. I also have a freaky issue about a clean toilet so all of my toilets get clean everyday. The rest of of it gets done when I have a chance. If there is a pile of papers or toys or crap that sits there for days, thats ok with me.
It would be great to have the picture perfect home but I have a 1950s hubby that feels like house work womans work, the only time he chips in with household duties is when I throw a fit or he wants something, wink, wink! So it is what it is. We all have these lofty ideas about how life is going to be when you have triplets but reality is not that way.
BBG 6/21/06
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Wiltrip5 Fri Mar-26-10 04:00 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
609 posts
#460427, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
How timely! If the dishes are done, kids have clean clothes to wear, and the bathroom has not been declared a national disaster are (jury is out on this one),then the rest is gravy - lol.
I just blogged about the same type thing. Great minds must think alike. Life is about choices. Think about what YOU remember fondly from your childhood.
I tell visitors in my home, "excuse the mess, we live here".
Wiltrip Mom with 5
2 teens & BBG - school age and easier than the teens!
"When they're little, they're on your toes. When they're grown, they're on your heart" ...Virginia Robe
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cdemp Fri Mar-26-10 04:25 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1742 posts
#460429, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Mar-26-10 04:31 PM by cdemp
We all know that being obsessive about cleaning isn't healthy, but I don't believe that a HOM mom who enjoys a clean house is necessarily a mom who doesn't have her priorities straight or is missing out on the important things in life (i.e. her children). Some HOM moms clean after their children go to bed. Others have very effective and efficient cleaning routines.
That being said, that's not me. I'd rather veg in front of the tv once the kids are in bed -- it helps me to unwind. I clean whenever I have the energy. I'm sure other people's homes are cleaner than mine, and I'm okay with that. In fact, I would probably like some of their cleaning tips!
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roe Fri Mar-26-10 10:17 PM
Member since Oct 22nd 2009
150 posts
#460466, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 6
I concur. :P
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MSTAR Fri Mar-26-10 04:44 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3524 posts
#460432, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
The kids do the dusting and windexing here, so the sliding glass door and TVs are all streaked. I noticed a big dusty spot behind all the lamps that they are missing. They also vacuum their own rooms once a week, so I noticed they are shoving all their stuff underneath their dressers. Daddy will have a field day with that one. They also make their own beds every day, right after they scrape their plates after breakfast. To say they "make their beds" is up to interpretation. I don't remake them, because I think they need some ownership in the house upkeep.
They craft all day, every day, so the kitchen table looks like a warzone. Sometimes I have to shove all the art projects over to serve lunch.
My main focus is the dishes and the bathrooms. I have to vacuum the main areas every day because my husband chose feces brown carpeting when we replaced it two yeas ago and it shows every piece of lint.
Our big issue is the counter by the kitchen table which is a clutter zone. I throw out everything every couple days when I have a rampage.
Right now I have a freaking crane or something that moved into the pine tree over our front porch and it is crapping some of the biggest most giant black olive poops I have ever seen. I am so obsessed with catching it, I am thinking of getting the rifle out. I can't even think about what the kids are doing!!!! But I would say the important thing is to get the kids involved in helping with the chores at an early age.
I mean, heck, we gave birth to our own workforce, ya know? Just don't expect it to look that great. Unless you are compulsive and have to have eveything exactly correct and perfect, then you can count on never doing anything else.
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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Crystal Fri Mar-26-10 05:26 PM
Member since May 27th 2008
1121 posts
#460435, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 8
>I mean, heck, we gave birth to our own workforce, ya know?
>Just don't expect it to look that great. Unless you are
>compulsive and have to have eveything exactly correct and
>perfect, then you can count on never doing anything else.
WORD. I'm wrapping up a bottle of pledge and a vacuum cleaner for their 5th birthday.
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MSTAR Sat Mar-27-10 07:29 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3524 posts
#460477, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 9
They fight over whose turn it is to dust and feel slighted if it isn't theirs. I expect that to last maybe one more year then I'm screwed. Get on it now!
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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quadmom121203 Sun Mar-28-10 11:47 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1328 posts
#460586, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 21
My kids are 6 and love to mop, vacuum, dust and clean the glass still. I actually have to fight with them if I want to just do it myself! LOL
Mom to Samantha, Jeremy, Paige and Christian
Born 12/12/03 @ 31w 2d
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LvTriplets Fri Mar-26-10 10:16 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1604 posts
#460465, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 8
That's just gross. Is that what that was? Black olive poop? Yuck
My house is either 80% clean or 80% messy. There is no other state.
I wish I could keep up with it, I hate not being able to invite neighbors in because of it looking like a toy box vomited all over the place. It just is what it is, and I would just much rather hang out with my family than freak out on the kids because they left toys all over.
We do usually have the kids clean up before they go to bed, and once a week or so we have a banana bread day where I will cook banana bread in the oven and we clean while it cooks. The kids know how to clean off and dust book shelves, vacuum the stairs, organize the toys, wash walls, etc. But even with that, the clean look lasts a full day at the most.
It is worth it though. They are growing up way too fast and these days will be long gone before we know it.
Laura & Don
BBB 5/05
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MSTAR Sat Mar-27-10 07:21 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3524 posts
#460475, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 15
Yeah. I am so mad at whatever that bird is. I had to use bleach out there to get the stains off and it WON'T GO AWAY. It's all back again, so you have to walk through poop to get to my front door. ACK.
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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sandsstone Sat Mar-27-10 08:14 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
3044 posts
#460537, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 19
If it isn't a protected species...there are surefire ways to get rid of it....with your chicken operation, nobody would think twice about seeing a bunch of feathers in your trash.
Parent to GGG born 31 weeks 4 days 4/26/07
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 08:19 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460538, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 19
Call all the casinos and see if anyone's missing their 2nd act.
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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CaliTriple Sun Mar-28-10 11:33 AM
Member since May 03rd 2009
51 posts
#460584, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 15
Ooooh, LOVE the banana bread day idea. It takes a bit of time to cook and then the kiddies get a little treat for their efforts.
I knew someone who used the "white tornado" technique. The white tornado came by once a week, while kids were sleeping, and took away any toys that weren't put away. Sometimes she put them away and returned them for a reward when kids were good. Other times, she threw stuff out, just so the kids knew they wouldn't always get their stuff back if they didn't keep it put away.
Maybe once mine start crawling I can attach swiffer cloths to their hands and knees..
Mom to GGG born at 29w1d on 9/1/2009, including a set of mono-mono miracle babies.
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SAReece Fri Mar-26-10 06:14 PM
Member since May 11th 2009
521 posts
#460437, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
I do not think I am obsessively clean, but I do try to keep things picked up. I have my older dd who is 4 help somethings. She likes being "Mommy's big helper" and things its FUN to clean (it wont last so I may as well take advantage of it right?) And she actually helps me out quite a bit by doing small things. We make a game out of it and I "challenge" her to pick up a certain thing and get it to where it needs to be in a certain amount of seconds. That way she has fun.
If the kitchen counters are clean, the dishes are cleaned, the dirty clothes, diapers, toys and dishes are picked up out of the living room, and the laundry hampers aren't overflowing, then I am happy. That may sound like a lot (or not?) but it takes like 30 minutes a day to do it all.
If there is something better to do, I am all for it, the dirty house will always be here!
Shely~ Mom to 1+GGB
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amlink Fri Mar-26-10 06:40 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
935 posts
#460442, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
We make our nearly five year olds clean up their room and the playroom pretty much every day. If we have friends over, we give them a break that night from picking up. I am getting ready to order new furniture, and I have been preventing them from yucking up the living room in preparation for that. I have never let them draw on anything other than paper, but they also have our old kitchen table in the sunroom that is piled high with craft and coloring items, and I usually wipe it down once a week...and sweep up all the bits and broken crayons, etc.
I have an organization system for their toys, but I don't make them adhere to it nor do I clean behind them. About once every two to three weeks I go through everything and put it away correctly, throw out broken or disgusting items, make sure that bugs don't live in the toy box etc.
My house is almost always cluttered...but clean. I do have a cleaning lady every other week, and I wipe down our bathroom counters/toliets with lysol wipes once or twice a week. I clean the kitchen every night (and by clean, I wipe the counters and table, sweep, and load dishwasher). My sink sometimes looks gross...it's ceramic and stains like the dickens (coffee, red wine, etc)
When my girls were younger, and when we had a smaller house, things often seemed ridiculously bad. We now have a big house and older children...the clutter remains, but I have more places to hide it!!!!
It is, by no means, magazine ready, EVER. But it is usually not too embarassing...or at least the public viewing rooms.
GGG born 9/3/05 at 35w3d
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LolasLadies Fri Mar-26-10 10:53 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460469, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
Ironically, I discovered way too late that taking the kids OUT of the house kept the house from getting messy 90% of the time!
Out with you, rascally kids!!!
Anywho... it went in stages for me.
In the very beginning, Mike couldn't handle the stress of the constant babies' crying and long hours with little sleep (he works a swing shift) and that stress would manifest in yelling at me about how "lazy" I was. Mind you, this is with three infants who got ALL their care from me, and later with three toddlers while going to college full time. I kept a neat house most of the time in the main areas, and the only time I had the energy to obsessively clean was when I knew Mike was going to freak out and have an angry outburst.
As the kids got older, I figured out a system that worked for us: no toys in the livingroom and I eventually moved all their toys to storage bins in a locked closet. I pull out one huge bin at a time and let them go to town. When they're done or ready to move on, they pick up all the toys and we start over. (They still have full-time access to books and some bigger toys as well as dress-up clothes.)
Mike grew up quite a bit, and I now allow myself to have a messy house if we've been busy or I'm sick, which is usually most of the time! I clean after the kids go to bed.
Dishes and vacuuming USUALLY happen every day. But I don't beat myself up about the rest because there will be time to clean when the kids are in school.
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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MSTAR Sat Mar-27-10 07:25 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
3524 posts
#460476, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 17
I hear you. I rarely let my kids in the house. That works well for me since we live in such a tepid climate. I don't know how you and Helene do it.
Sarah, Gregory, Amanda
born 1/22/04 at 35w1d
Our surprise baby Austin born 06/15/2005
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 09:23 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460484, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 20
Why do you think we spent over $200 on snow gear???
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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Tanna Sat Mar-27-10 10:43 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1382 posts
#460489, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 20
I love that now our weather is getting warmer. We have the trio outside 75% of the day. It just makes life so much easier!
06/22/07 29 weeks 4 days
Lincoln 2 lbs 13 oz
Colton 2 lbs 14.4 oz
Dakota 2 lbs 11oz
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Tanna Sat Mar-27-10 10:42 AM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1382 posts
#460488, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
My house would NOT pass the white glove test!! The only room in my house that could pass the white glove test would be my kitchen. I'm a little OCD about that room but other than that my house is messy!! People in my family laugh but understand because, I work full time my DH works 60+ hours a week and we have triplets. I would rather spend my free time playing with my trio than cleaning.
AND anyway when I have cleaned my house it seems to take just 10 min for it to get back to being messy again, so I give up on cleaning!!!
06/22/07 29 weeks 4 days
Lincoln 2 lbs 13 oz
Colton 2 lbs 14.4 oz
Dakota 2 lbs 11oz
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Hillyt Sat Mar-27-10 02:51 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
443 posts
#460508, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 23
Hillyt mom to
Ian 11
Ella, Holly, Jilly 6
Hadley 3
My house is so not clean most of the time, but I try to keep what you can see from the front door to a minimum. I flush toilets, wipe down counters and sinks, and make sure there aren't gross dishes in the kitchen. I also run the roomba daily on the kitchen floor.
I am guilty of letting the kids make a pretty big mess before I get on them to clean it up. I have discovered a "new" clean up game when my kids rooms/basment gets horrible. I make a scavenger hunt page for each of them with what they have to find and put away, and how many. They then race to get through the list. It has really cut down on the tears for the BIG clean-up days.
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lovemy5boys Sat Mar-27-10 03:43 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1475 posts
#460515, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 26
Does the Roomba really work? Is that the vacuuming one or the scrubbing one? So you think it's worth the money?
proud mom to
DS 7
DS 4
BBB 9/29/06 born @ 32w2d
" "
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Hillyt Sun Mar-28-10 09:50 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
443 posts
#460575, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 30
Hillyt mom to
Ian 12
Ella, Holly, Jilly 6
Hadley 3
Roomba works really well for crumbs, dust bunnies, and dog hair. It keeps my feet from walking across a crunchy floor, and it forces me to pick up everything that would be in the way. I love mine. It only vacuums, the scooba is the one that cleans, way out of my price range....
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abaros07 Sun Mar-28-10 10:10 AM
Member since Jan 19th 2008
387 posts
#460577, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 50
I love mine too. However, my kids are scared of the sound of a vacuum and are completely freaked out by the Roomba. They can't be anywhere near it and my daughter was about 4 until she could handle it. I'm hoping it will be easier now that we can be out of the house more while it runs.
Mom to:
Madeline 09/2001
Jack, Evan & ^Alex^ 03/02/2008 @ 26 weeks
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lovemy5boys Sat Mar-27-10 03:41 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1475 posts
#460514, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
My house is clean thanks to the cleaning lady but it is always a mess! For me it's a good day if the dishes are done. Kitchen, Dinning room and living room clean. By clean I mean floor swept, counters wiped down, no toys out to trip on. There are also a couple designated junk spots when papers and mail get stacked up for a week at a time unless we get to it. All bedroom doors shut! My older DS' clean their own room and do a pretty good job. THe little boys room gets picked up about every other day and my room, well...unfortunately I never get to that. That is what I consider a good day, that is not however what gets done everyday. I just do my best. If I'm so exhausted that I can only sit in front of the computer or tv, so be it. Having a messy house doesn't help my mood but what are you gonna do??? I have a cleaning lady every other week. If I didn't my showers, toilets and the dusting would never get done! And Clorex (sp?) wipes are my best friend. Can use them for just about anything.
proud mom to
DS 7
DS 4
BBB 9/29/06 born @ 32w2d
" "
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LolasLadies Sat Mar-27-10 09:05 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
2128 posts
#460543, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
My husband this evening, after I jokingly asked him if triplets were a good enough excuse to have a messy house:
"A messy house is a BYPRODUCT of having triplets."
Sometimes he has little gems of wisdom, and then he says something like "You need to start exercising again" to take back all his bonus points.
GGG Jan.2005 @ 28wks
Sweetened Taters - http://sweetenedtaters.blogspot.com
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akcmachine Sat Mar-27-10 11:21 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
996 posts
#460555, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
Just to clarify my initial post. is it totally normal to have marker on the leather couch, various snack shards in bookshelves, broken crayons squirreled away, fingerprints on every window and surface, and permanent stains on the carpet?
Helene, mom of Amanda, Mitchell, our trio: Eli, Natalie, and CJ the 28 weekers and Baby Charlotte
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SAReece Sat Mar-27-10 11:26 PM
Member since May 11th 2009
521 posts
#460557, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 45
Absolutely! That is normal for ONE kid, much less 3! Welcome to parenthood, you will not own anything nice for the next 18 years
Shely~ Mom to 1+GGB
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PA triplets Sat Mar-27-10 11:31 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
3132 posts
#460558, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 45
That sounds like normal in my house. I have pen on my cloth couch, crayons are likely to be found anywhere and cleaning fingerprints would be an exercise in futility. When I cleaned off the bookshelf around Christmas time there were a few snacks in there. Not sure about the permanant carpet stains. We might. Our carpet needs to be shampooed badly but we don't know what to do with the kids while it dries. Hopefully that will get taken care of this summer when they can play outside more.
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nermeen Sat Mar-27-10 11:26 PM
Member since Feb 12th 2009
31 posts
#460556, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 0
I am not obsessive over a clean house BUT I HATE CLUTTER, dirty dishes, a messy bedroom, basically anything on the floor and dirty laundry- if those are out the way- I consider my house spotless!
Mom to BBB triplets born on 6/24/09 @ 29 weeks
spent 2 months in NICU
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deb3 Sun Mar-28-10 09:32 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
574 posts
#460574, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 46
That is funny - I am the other way around. Under all the clutter is a very clean house. I dust, mop, etc. often and 5 minutes later, stuff is everywhere. I am raising 4 pigs, it seems, no matter what I try.
Son, 12
GGB, 9
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cdemp Sun Mar-28-10 10:35 AM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1742 posts
#460579, "RE: The White Glove Test-"
In response to Reply # 46
I'm like you. I can't stand clutter. People usually come into my house, and think it's clean because it's clutter-free, lol. And I do have to admit that I think I'm obsessive about doing the laundry.
I think I need that little vacuum cleaner that picks up dust bunnies and crumbs! -- Gloria
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