Tue Feb-26-08 02:03 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332548, "Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff rude?"
I couldn't get in touch with a live person. I left a message yesterday giving my number, explaining I was new, refered by my fertility specialist. Noone bothered to call me back.
So i call today, and they were very rude. They said well I don't have you in my system. And i was like Well why couldn't you have called and told me that? Apparently my doctor has to send MY paperwork over first.
And i said look lady, My doctor's office recommended YOU. And gave me YOUR number and told me to call you. You don't have to be rude to me! At least return my phone calls! It's not my fault they didn't send over paperwork. And she was like well YOU have to call YOUR doctor and get YOUR doctor to send your paperwork because we don't just take anyone as a patient.
KISS MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGRRR.. What is she the queen of Sheba? HONESTLY! I can't even get a phone call back until i'm in the system. BS> How was i to know i wasn't in the system unless they either answer the phone or call me back.
I mean i get it if I have to have some magic form first my doctor didn't send in yet, but couldn't they have at least returned my call, or apologized for not, or at least not been trashy and rude on the phone and extremely unprofessional?
I wanted to reach through the phone and smack this girl across the face. This is the kind of support you'd expect to see from some low class Telcom where they hire uneducated rude trash off the street for just above minimum wage and they have no incentive to do well because their parents didn't raise them with common courtesy and their employer demands nothing of them nor gives any incentives. I've had better service at Taco Bell!
This type of service does not instill confidence in a medical provider which will Literally be in charge of mine and my 3 babies lives!
Am i wrong? Are peri's and their staff usually rude and nearly impossible to reach? Or should I be looking for someone with a little more to offer to me. I think i'm gonna call my Fertility specialist and ask for another referal.
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Replies to this topic
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., CKT, Feb 26th 2008, #1
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., andigirl, Feb 26th 2008, #2
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., tripletgggmom, Feb 26th 2008, #3
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., andigirl, Feb 26th 2008, #4
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., kylamel, Feb 26th 2008, #30
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., 3petes, Feb 26th 2008, #5
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., Mamakitten3, Feb 26th 2008, #6
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., andigirl, Feb 26th 2008, #8
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., 3petes, Feb 26th 2008, #9
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., LRB, Feb 26th 2008, #11
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., andigirl, Feb 26th 2008, #15
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., cat_lover, Feb 26th 2008, #13
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., cat_lover, Feb 26th 2008, #7
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., andigirl, Feb 26th 2008, #10
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., 3petes, Feb 26th 2008, #12
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., akcmachine, Feb 26th 2008, #14
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., cat_lover, Feb 26th 2008, #
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., moochie, Feb 26th 2008, #16
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., tripletgggmom, Feb 26th 2008, #17
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., andigirl, Feb 26th 2008, #18
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., 3petes, Feb 26th 2008, #19
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., tripletgggmom, Feb 26th 2008, #21
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., discjockeyhelen, Feb 26th 2008, #20
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., HOWMANY, Feb 26th 2008, #25
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., discjockeyhelen, Feb 26th 2008, #27
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., julie123, Feb 26th 2008, #26
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., lab2001, Feb 26th 2008, #22
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., amlink, Feb 26th 2008, #23
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., HOWMANY, Feb 26th 2008, #24
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., kylamel, Feb 26th 2008, #28
RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..., albentrip, Feb 26th 2008, #29
Tue Feb-26-08 02:11 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
245 posts
#332551, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
First of all, I am sorry you had to deal with this. There is no excuse for rude office staff. But, I will say that most specialists like this will have to receive a referral from your Dr. first and then they'll make the appointment.
I sort of went through the same thing with trying to make my first appointment. I got upset too. But, looking back I think that my hormones were RAGING and I got more upset than I should have.
If this peri is recommended and your Dr thinks this is the one for you, then I would at least get that first appointment made and then make a decision whether you want to continue or see another peri. The odds are the person with whom you spoke is just a front desk person or a person just answering phones and you won't have to deal with that person once you get started under the office's care. OR it could totally be the opposite and if this is the case and this person is going to make your life hell, then maybe you should seek out another office.
I am sorry you are dealing with this. Hopefully it'll get better. Hang in there.
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:22 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332554, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 1
Tue Feb-26-08 02:23 PM by andigirl
The biggest thing I simply CANNOT wrap my head around. Is that I couldn't even be worth 5 minutes to RETURN MY PHONE CALL (Since they don't bother to answer the phone), to let me know they can't talk to me. Or that they can't muster 1 ounce of courtesy.
If it were me I'd have called back, asked politely for their information. And explained, look I apologize but Dr X didn't seem to send your forms in as I don't have them in the system. We will need you to speak with them and assure that we have the forms before we can schedule your first appointment.
Is that so hard?
Instead I get ignored. Like i'm not even there. Noone can even be bothered to tell me I don't have the form. Even though I was told BY MY DOCTOR who refers people to these people ALL The time. TO call this doctor. If they missed a step, you have to tell me. It's not like the Texas Driver's Liscence Course requires you to pass a survey that says if your Peri doesn't have your form you can't talk to them and oh by the way in X years when you need to talk to them your Doctor forgot to send those forms and that's why noone returned your call. REAlly. What am i phsycic?
Really i don't think it's extra hormones here. They didn't even call me back. They didn't even listen to me. It's not that I had to call my doctor again before i was allowed to talk to them. It's that they think it's an excuse to NOT tell me that they don't have my form because apparently i'm not even worthy of a call to tell me they don't have the form, unless i already have the form I didn't even know about.
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:26 PM
Member since Feb 02nd 2008
53 posts
#332555, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 2
You gotta let this one go. You have a long pregnancy ahead of you and you will have to let this stuff roll off your back. People like that are always rude to you over the phone because you can't reach out and pop them. Just wait...when you have your first office visit. You can then go introduce yourself to this nice lady. Try to reduce your stress too. It's not good for your bambinos.
Good luck!
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:38 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332560, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 3
Tue Feb-26-08 02:40 PM by andigirl
Well I guess my question is. I live in Houston. Population REALLY BIG. It's not like there aren't at least a half dozen perinatal specialist in the area who are probably dang good at what they do.
Should I really put up with this? I mean obviously if my doctor thinks of all the doctors this one is hands above the rest and I really really really should go to this one. Then I'll go and politely smack the scheduling lady across the face (more likely give her a dirty look, more than really likely i'll say nothing but secretly be burning and flaming inside every time I have to deal with her, though I might well get sarcastic and very sharp if i have to go through this a second time) when I go into the office.
But surely if their service is horrible.. and there are other peris. And I have my doctor's blessing to use a different one.. I'm not being irrational for wanting to look to another alternative? Or is it likely they'll all (the collective staffs) be every bit as horrible as this one?
I mean pregnancy hormones had nothing to do with it when i ditched my old OBGYN because I was tired of never being able to get even a scheduler on the phone. (i was no where near pregnant!)
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Tue Feb-26-08 06:13 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1805 posts
#332700, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 4
You are NOT the only pregnant woman in Houston and I am sure not the only one pregnant with multiples. You are not even 10 weeks pregnant yet - RELAX!!! I dont know about you, but every doctor's office I have ever dealt with during my triplet pregnancy and afterwards has at least 1 rude person.
BGB born at 32 weeks in 2005
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:40 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
864 posts
#332561, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
No body will have the investment in your pregnancy like you do. Do what you feel you must. Get the answers that you want or go somewhere else.
Love my GGG ~
Ly~"Diva" - (It's all ME, baby)
Jen~"erator" - (I have so much ENERGY)
Tar~"ified" - (I make it my OWN)
18 months old.....and counting
born on 08/07/06
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:42 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
812 posts
#332563, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
Tue Feb-26-08 02:59 PM by Mamakitten3
Its not uncommon for a Drs office to wait 24hrs before giving a patient a call back. My Peds office sometimes does that to me if its not an emergency appt.They might have wanted to wait for your paperwork from the RE. Most RE dont release you to another Dr until 11wks, I wouldnt stress about this so much. The peris office might have been busy yesterday.Office staff is very important in the relationship with your DR and its best not to be rude and so demanding so early.
Edt to say, that its not uncommon for a NON emergency appt to get a call back in 24hrs, you have to remember you are not a patient of this DRs office just a person calling to get your 1st appt and more info. You really need to calm down and reduce your stress level. This pregnancy is going to get more complicated and hard and you need to learn how to cope with insignifigant stress before important problems arise.
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:46 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332566, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 6
Well even more concerning than the completely lack of call back. To me is the thought that I would conceivably have to wait more than 24 hours if say I was spotting, or something and needed to talk to someone. Not to mention the actually very rude tone and manner of the person on the other end of the line. Who said 'you're not in our system'. Like it was 1) An excuse for never calling me back 2) I was supposed to know what that meant, or what to do about it.
I was after all given this person's number By my refering doctor who told me to call them when she gave me this number yesterday. She didn't say, and wait 3 months before calling her. Or wait 3 days, or wait 3 hours or anything like that.
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:49 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
864 posts
#332568, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 8
If you don't like her response then don't read it. She is simply telling you that if it is not an emergency don't sweat it. If you are going to be like this your whole pregnancy, you are going to go nuts and drive everyone around you nuts in the process. JUST CHILL OUT. GOOD LORD.
Love my GGG ~
Ly~"Diva" - (It's all ME, baby)
Jen~"erator" - (I have so much ENERGY)
Tar~"ified" - (I make it my OWN)
18 months old.....and counting
born on 08/07/06
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:52 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1062 posts
#332570, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 8
You asked for opinions and now you are shooting the messengers. It seems as if a rude receptionist has changed your mind about seeing a peri that you've been referred to. We disagree, but we don't have to see them at their office for the next few months.
Being in Houston, have you contacted a local multiples group? Their recommendations or experiences would mean more than an national/international message board.
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:58 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332575, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 11
yeah sorry i did kinda shoot the messengers. I appreciate the feedback. I just resent what seems to be an implied concept that supposedly i'm hormonal and not entitled to human civility. Though my reaction to your reactions are obviously mixed with muddied waters from my flushed encounter with this rude individual.
I did speak with my fertility specialst's nurse though. They asked that I try to get through this first appointment because she's a very good doctor (though apparently not very warm and personable, and very busy, but very talented).
But at least my fertility specialst's staff apologized on behalf of the Peri's staff. Can you imagine!? They're obviously so much better than this other staff is. To apologize for the other staff's rudeness and incooperativeness.
My fertility doctor's staff seemed surprised that there was some type of letter form that they needed to send first to this doctor. Apparently they didnt' even know about this. (So how was I supposed to know if NOONE called me to let me know this?).
Apparently they seem to want more than just 'we are sending our patient to you' they expected me to be programmed into their system with my date of birth, and all of my medical history to boot. Before they'd even call me back to let me know something is missing or to talk about what's needed from me?
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:54 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
119 posts
#332572, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 8
You are SO overreacting. You've got to calm down girl, this is NOT healthy for you or your pregnancy.
Does this Peri even deliver? Or is he just a consultant?
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:43 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
119 posts
#332565, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
This is not a big deal - you just called them yesterday and you're a new patient. They haven't proven impossible to reach b/c you didn't give them a chance to call you back.
As for the rudeness, I'm no longer shocked by stuff like that when it comes from the front desk after my own horrible experience finding an OB. I'd say get the paperwork in that they need and go from there. If this person is still rude & unhelpful, speak with the office manager until it gets straightened out. The doctor is the only person who matters to you at that office - and obviously your fertility specialist thinks highly of him since you said patients are routinely referred there.
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:50 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332569, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 7
But if they don't have time, in 24 hours to call back someone. Or patience to tell me what's going on. Then surely they simply have too many patients to service me.
And they're going to be more of a liability than an asset to the process aren't they? I talked to someone in the Mother's of Multiples club who said everyone is sent to either Dr Adams (My doctor with the rude staff), or Dr Palmer.
She said Dr Palmer even made an effort to speak with her personally on the phone. And had a smaller practice (which to me means more personal). If I can get an endorsement from my fertility specialst (who not only refers to Dr Adams but alot of doctors in the area). Am i completely out of my mind for already wanting to explore other alternatives? Maybe it is too soon. Maybe I should just let them pull my hair until I get through my first appointment.
I mean it's not like my fertility specialist is going to give me a list of doctors to choose from when she has to send paper work in to get them to even talk to me. She's gonna pick one and send me there unless I ask otherwise right? That doesn't mean someone else doesn't come highly recommended....
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:53 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
864 posts
#332571, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 10
Do you realize that you have 55 posts and you haven't even been online a week? I think you should just breath deep and relax. We are helping you the best way we know how and it is very frustrating dealing with this neuroitc behavior.
Love my GGG ~
Ly~"Diva" - (It's all ME, baby)
Jen~"erator" - (I have so much ENERGY)
Tar~"ified" - (I make it my OWN)
18 months old.....and counting
born on 08/07/06
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Tue Feb-26-08 02:57 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
585 posts
#332574, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 12
AMEN...thank you. I think I have been biting my tongue about making some kind of comment on this topic but was not sure if it would be considered a flame war.
Okay, you are 7 weeks pregnant- time to just sit back and soak it all in- read and think about these things in your mind if you must, but honestly- 55 posts at 7 weeks pregnant is borderline Obession.
Sorry to be the bully but I actually logged on just now to see if you had already posted a few more questions. Sheeesh!
Helene, mom of Amanda, Mitchell, our trio: Eli, Natalie, and CJ the 28 weekers and Baby Charlotte
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:02 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
119 posts
#332580, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
I think you'll have the same problem at another Peri's office b/c you're overreacting and being really demanding. I truly think it's you and not them in this situation, even if the front desk was rude to you. Calm down. You cannot get this stressed during this pregnancy.
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:02 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
277 posts
#332581, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
Okay ... deep breath and R-E-L-A-X. This kind of stress is not good for you or your kiddos.
Most good peris are very busy and different offices have different protocals. Trust me, if you stay with this peri you want to be good friends with the front desk, so try and kill them with kindness as they can get you an appointment when everything is "fully booked". Didn't your grandma tell you that you get my flies with honey ...
And I doubt that any peri would not respond to an emergency phone call regarding your health or your babies health.
IMHO, I would be more upset with your RE for not sending over the paperwork than your new peri for not having you in the system.
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:06 PM
Member since Feb 02nd 2008
53 posts
#332584, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 16
Tue Feb-26-08 03:06 PM by tripletgggmom
I think you should just go get a new doctor. I think that will be the only thing that calms you down. Right now, go find a new doctor. You can't get this aggitated over nothing! If there is an emergency, you will be able to be seen. You are calling about a 1st appt, there is not emergency now. You have to simmer down.
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:09 PM
Member since Feb 20th 2008
59 posts
#332589, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
ok fine. I have to say i'm really quite hurt.
to have my behavior be called neurotic? thanks alot.
I mean I don't have anyone I know who's had multiples. Everyone wants to tell me, oh this oh that. But you know I have questions specific to multiples. I'm really excited and I wanted to plan for my new life.
The Book by Elizabeth Nobel really isnt' helpful. I just got the Twins, Triplets, and Quads book yesterday which i'm sure will help with dietary info. But those aren't the kinds of questions I've been asking really.
But i didn't know I was causing such a great inconvenience to all of you with my '55 posts' (though i really expect they're not all posts I hosted so much as responses to my own posts and responses to other's posts. As I know and understand more, I ask less questions.
But I tell you what I'll just go offline. And leave you all alone for another few months since i'm being so annoying. =P
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:14 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
864 posts
#332594, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 18
Again you are overreacting. The main message is to TAKE A CHILL PILL. God I haven't used that phrase for years, but it is applicable. You want help and we are trying. That is the point. You just don't seem happy with the feedback that you are getting and WE ARE TRYING. No need to get all huffy about it, just be a little more reasonable is all we are asking.
Love my GGG ~
Ly~"Diva" - (It's all ME, baby)
Jen~"erator" - (I have so much ENERGY)
Tar~"ified" - (I make it my OWN)
18 months old.....and counting
born on 08/07/06
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:27 PM
Member since Feb 02nd 2008
53 posts
#332604, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 19
PP is exactly right!! Being pregnant with trips is terrifying in the beginning for most of us. I bled and was hospitalized twice for that. I was told I had TTTS(twin to twin transfusion) and that two of my babies WOULD die and probably force me into preterm labor and I would loose the 3rd. None of that happened, thank God. But the main point is, you may have real stuff to get scared about when you go through your pregnancy and we will support you through that. This other stuff you are blowing out of proportion and creating drama yourself. Don't create drama with your triplet pregnancy, be thankful for every uneventful day you have because there are people on here who have truly suffered through these pregnancies. I think that is why you aren't getting a great deal of sympathy and compassion from these triplet parents.
So seriously, chill out and focus on being relaxed for your babies and hopefully everything else (docs, etc.) will fall into place. You don't have to freak out more and say you are leaving the site.
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:26 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
278 posts
#332603, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 18
We aren't asking you to leave, just to relax.
You're not the first (and certainly not the last) to get excited about your coming triplets. You're also not the first to not know anyone personally that has twins, triplets or more (I didn't). You're still very early on, so relax, do some reading both online & in books and just enjoy your pregnancy.
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Tue Feb-26-08 04:33 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1168 posts
#332649, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 18
Wife to Jason(pixelpusher)
Mom to Gwynne, Connor, Chloe 11/03/03
25wks 1day>
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Tue Feb-26-08 05:20 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
278 posts
#332682, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 25
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Tue Feb-26-08 05:17 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
960 posts
#332678, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 18
which i'm sure will help with dietary info. But those aren't the kinds of questions I've been asking really.
Seriously? Your first 20+ posts on this forum had EVERYTHING to do with diet. Like you were obsessed with listing every object that you ate, what do you mean you haven't been asking dietary questions? Get ahold of yourself woman, clearly you have time to research, because you seem to have so much free time to post. Why not utilize the search feature?
Our Journey, a year of firsts:
Julie wife to Mark and mom to
Tristan Declan 4lbs 3oz Cassandra Madison 4lbs 7oz
Ryland Markus 4lbs 2oz
Born on 9/5/06 at 32 weeks 4 days
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:28 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
1784 posts
#332605, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
Tue Feb-26-08 03:38 PM by lab2001
Well, here is my take:
A) You are off to a bad start with this peri's office staff. If it is going to bug you for the entire pregnancy, and you will see them a LOT as time progresses, then seek out another peri now before you even get started with this one. I lived in Houston for 10 years...there are surely plenty of peri's, even in your immediate vicinity.
B) If this peri isn't the "be all end all" of peri's in the Houston area, don't sweat thinking about going to another one! Just do it and move on.
C) As you choose your peri, be sure you choose one that practices at a hospital YOU want to deliver at. You may be spending a lot of time in said hospital. Make sure it has a Level 3 NICU in it. Make sure you can "live" in the rooms if you need to for an extended stay. Make sure you like the NICU itself, meet the nurse manager and tour it before you need to go on bedrest. That really is the key to picking one in a large metro area where you have many choices.
D) Give your post the other day about cardiac issues, you may want to make sure the peri you pick has some experience managing pregnancies where this could become a factor.
E) Unless you are in an HMO, you don't normally need a form to go to a peri. A simple phone call and the words, "I am 7 weeks pregnant with triplets and my RE (insert name) referred me to you" is enough.
Chances are good that with any practice you use, someone is going to tick you off some time during your pregnancy. You will have to remain calm and pleasant if you want the best service ongoing. You really will build a relationship with the peri, but ESPECIALLY with the office and nursing and U/S staff over time. Realize you are the consumer, and you deserve respect, but other people also have bad days. The top priority is getting the care you need in a pleasant environment where you have confidence in the medical staff treating you.
BBB born 7/26/04 at 35 weeks
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Tue Feb-26-08 03:45 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
722 posts
#332620, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
All of the peris and staff I dealt with were very nice, but I have to add that I didn't even get a referral from my RE until I was past 12 weeks pregnant as the likelihood of miscarriage is so high through the first trimester. Not to be a downer, but you really don't NEED a peri for the first few weeks--your RE can monitor you and refer you when things start to get high risk. Really, things are pretty normal at the beginning of a triplet pregnancy...
GGG born 9/3/05 at 35w3d>
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Tue Feb-26-08 04:32 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1168 posts
#332647, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
Wife to Jason(pixelpusher)
Mom to Gwynne, Connor, Chloe 11/03/03
25wks 1day>
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Tue Feb-26-08 06:07 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
1805 posts
#332696, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
I'm just wondering.. have you called them numerous times?
BGB born at 32 weeks in 2005
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Tue Feb-26-08 06:07 PM
Member since Jul 18th 2005
229 posts
#332697, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
I haven't had time to read all of the rest of your posts but wanted to echo what some others have said. You need to relax a little. I can understand feeling frustrated about not receiving a return phone call but your anger over it is a bit extreme.
Wanting to smack someone across the face and making the statement that follows is just plain trashy. If you are reacting that way now to something so minor, just wait until the babies are here and you are dealing with multiple doctors, teachers, the general public, etc.
As this forum proves, you are not the first person who has been pregnant with triplets.
I wish you luck but for your sake and the sake of your unborn children, calm down.
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Tue Feb-26-08 06:25 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
97 posts
#332704, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 29
Absolutely agree with everyone. You will hear rude things everyday. I can't wait until you hear someone ask you if they are natural 50,000 times a day and see how you react towards those people.
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Tue Feb-26-08 07:34 PM
Member since Nov 05th 2007
127 posts
#332718, "RE: Are Peri's usually hard to reach and their staff ru..."
In response to Reply # 0
Regardless of your experience with this one doctor, for your own benefit it just sounds like you need to surrender to the fact that you have very little control over any of the things that will happen to you.
I don't know if I will have the opportunity to carry these babies even another day and the only thing I can do is breathe and hope and believe in this very moment.
By focussing on things that are way off into the future you are missing what is happening to you right now.
It is true that this is a high risk pregnancy, however, right now you have an opportunity to just be pregnant before all of the physical discomforts! Offer as much positive energy as you can to those fetuses and just hope and pray that you keep them inside long enough.
I can not imagine the flexibility it will require for me to care for the four children I hope I will have, but I hope that making it through this pregnancy gives me the skills to enjoy the positive moments and not stress too much over the lesser important things!
And when I do stress....I will depend on this resource and the various experiences of the families on this site more than ever.
I wish you the very best and in a few weeks this will all be much clearer!
Mom to Liam 2
23wks BBG
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