If anyone has any of his other posts please let me know. I would love to find the orginal of his van post.)
Message: #0
Posted by Daddyof8 on May-31-05 at 05:39 PM
We need some help on what to do. One of our Ex- trusted volunteers is writing
malicious blogs about us. How should we confront her? She is apparently
driving by our house and keeping tabs on our family. Freaky! We don't know what
to do. She wrote in public newspaper blogs (www.readingeagle.com) that we
should be reported to Children Services. I ask for what? She also suggested to
people that we give our babies up for foster care. What should we do? Can
someone email me on suggestions. We are very scared to make any moves. Right
now we are facing negative publicity form another coulumnist from the
Philadelphia Inquirer by the name of John Grogan. He has written 3
articles about us to draw negative support of our decision and he went on the
radio today to drum up even more. Why do these people want to hurt us I have no
idea. Please can someone offer some advise. Are there any attorneys out there.
Begging for Suggestions,
Message: #1
Posted by TiffaniRay on May-31-05 at 05:52 PM
In response to message #0
Is there a way to turn this around on them? What if you get restraining orders
and have one of their competitor papers know about it? I bet they would love to
publish that and it would make that a$$hole Grogan look like an idiot. I am so
glad you decided to stay. Keep us posted!
Message: #2
Posted by JesTrips on May-31-05 at 06:13 PM
In response to message #0
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to let you know I'm glad you
Also, I emailed John Grogan and gave him a piece of my mind (what's left of it)
You may be able to sue her for slander. I'm not sure what the law is on that.
I'm sure if she really had anything worth reporting to Children's Services, she
would have done it already.
I hope things get better for you real soon. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Message: #3
Posted by PAML on May-31-05 at 06:33 PM
In response to message #0
Personally, I would call the police. This is not right, and things should be
documented, anything you can think of tell the police, they can (hopefully)
start getting more proof and stop this before it goes too far.
For the reporter, I would call an attorney just for a consult, see if someone
will just hear your situation before having to pay for their time. You could
possibly sue for slander or something because he is publicly affecting your
family. Not sure what kind of a case you have there.
Good luck, and let us know what happens!
Message: #4
Posted by AngelP on May-31-05 at 06:40 PM
In response to message #0
I'm sorry I don't have any advice, but just sorry you are having to deal with
the added stress. It is a shame people don't have better things to do. As far
a social services I wouldn't worry about that too much...they would have
contacted you already if they were concerned. I'm just sorry this is happening.
Please keep us updated.
Message: #5
Subject: Some definitions which seem to apply
Posted by tulip on May-31-05 at 07:04 PM
In response to message #0
slan•der ( P ) (slndr) n.
Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
v. slan•dered, slan•der•ing, slan•ders
v. tr.
To utter a slander about. See Synonyms at malign.
v. intr.
To utter or spread slander.
ma•lign ( P ) (m-ln)
tr.v. ma•ligned, ma•lign•ing, ma•ligns
To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.
Evil in disposition, nature, or intent.
Evil in influence; injurious.
Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent.
ma•ligner n.
ma•lignly adv.
Synonyms: malign, defame, traduce, vilify, asperse, slander, calumniate, libel
These verbs mean to make evil, harmful, often untrue statements about another.
Malign stresses malicious intent: “Have I not taken your part when you were
maligned?” (Thackeray). Defame suggests damage to reputation through
misrepresentation: The plaintiff had been defamed and had legitimate grounds for
a lawsuit. Traduce connotes the resulting humiliation or disgrace: “My character
was traduced by Captain Hawkins... even the ship's company cried out shame”
(Frederick Marryat). Vilify pertains to open, deliberate, vicious defamation:
“One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not
likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution” (Felix
Frankfurter). To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations
against: “Who could be so base as to asperse the character of a family so
harmless as ours?” (Oliver Goldsmith). Slander and calumniate apply to oral
expression: He slandered his political opponent. She calumniated an
d ridiculed her former employer. Libel involves the communication of written or
pictorial material: The celebrity sued the tabloid that libeled her. See also
synonyms at sinister
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
adj 1: evil or harmful in nature or influence; "prompted by malign motives";
"believed in witches and malign spirits"; "gave him a malign look"; "a malign
lesion" 2: having or exerting a malignant influence; "malevolent stars"; "a
malefic force" v : speak unfavorably about; "She badmouthes her husband
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
li•bel ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lbl)
A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a
person's reputation.
The act of presenting such material to the public.
The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to
an ecclesiastical court.
tr.v. li•beled, or li•belled li•bel•ing, or li•bel•ling li•bels or li•bels
To publish a libel about (a person). See Synonyms at malign.
libel•er or libel•ist n.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Main Entry: li•bel
Pronunciation: 'lI-b&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Anglo-French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
1 : COMPLAINT 1 —used esp. in admiralty and divorce cases
2 a : a defamatory statement or representation esp. in the form of written or
printed words; specifically : a false published statement that injures an
individual's reputation (as in business) or otherwise exposes him or her to
public contempt b : the publication of such a libel c : the crime or tort of
publishing a libel —see also SINGLE PUBLICATION RULE New York Times Company v.
Sullivan in the IMPORTANT CASES section —compare DEFAMATION, SLANDER
NOTE: Although libel is defined under state case law or statute, the U.S.
Supreme Court has enumerated some First Amendment protections that apply to
matters of public concern. In New York Times Company v. Sullivan, the Court held
that in order to recover damages a public person (as a celebrity or politician)
who alleges libel (as by a newspaper) has to prove that “the statement was made
with ‘actual malice’ — that is, with knowledge that it was false or with
reckless disregard of whether it was false or not” in order to recover damages.
The Court has also held that the states cannot allow a private person to recover
damages for libel against a media defendant without a showing of fault (as
negligence) on the defendant's part. These protections do not apply to matters
that are not of public concern (as an individual's credit report) and that are
not published by a member of the mass media. A libel plaintiff must generally
establish that the alleged libel refers to him or her
specifically, that it was published to others, and that some injury (as to
reputation) occurred that gives him or her a right to recover damages (as
actual, general, presumed, or special damages). The defendant may plead and
establish the truth of the statements as a defense. Criminal libel may have
additional elements, as in tending to provoke a breach of peace or in blackening
the memory of someone who is dead, and may not have to be published to someone
other than the person libeled.
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Main Entry: libel
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: -beled also -belled; -bel•ing also -bel•ling
1 : to make or publish a libel against : to hurt the reputation of by libel
respondent's complaint alleged that he had been libeled by statements in a
full-page advertisement —New York Times Company v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254
2 : to proceed against in law by filing a libel (as against a ship or goods)
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
n 1: a tort consisting of false and malicious publication printed for the
purpose of defaming a living person 2: the written statement of a plaintiff
explaining the cause of action (the defammation) and any relief he seeks v :
print slanderous statements against; "The newspaper was accused of libeling him"
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
Tulip & The Three Amigos
GBG born at 35w5d on December 31, 2002 - Happy New Year's Eve!!!
YES! You *can* breastfeed triplets!!!
I am a Velveteen Rabbit, and the birth, love, kisses & magic that is the miracle
of my children has made me Real.
Message: #6
Posted by Daddyof8 on May-31-05 at 07:24 PM
In response to message #0
My wife and I didn't know what to do so we opened our Bibles tonight and read to
each other. God sure has a way of working things out. We both prayed and it
eased our minds and hearts. Here are the 2 passages we thought were very
interesting. (Psalms 140 and 141)
1 Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men;
protect me from men of violence,
2 who devise evil plans in their hearts
and stir up war every day.
3 They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent's;
the poison of vipers is on their lips.
4 Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
protect me from men of violence
who plan to trip my feet.
5 Proud men have hidden a snare for me;
they have spread out the cords of their net
and have set traps for me along my path.
6 O LORD, I say to you, "You are my God."
Hear, O LORD, my cry for mercy.
7 O Sovereign LORD, my strong deliverer,
who shields my head in the day of battle-
8 do not grant the wicked their desires, O LORD;
do not let their plans succeed,
or they will become proud.
9 Let the heads of those who surround me
be covered with the trouble their lips have caused.
10 Let burning coals fall upon them;
may they be thrown into the fire,
into miry pits, never to rise.
11 Let slanderers not be established in the land;
may disaster hunt down men of violence.
12 I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor
and upholds the cause of the needy.
13 Surely the righteous will praise your name
and the upright will live before you.
1 O LORD, I call to you; come quickly to me.
Hear my voice when I call to you.
2 May my prayer be set before you like incense;
may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
3 Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD;
keep watch over the door of my lips.
4 Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil,
to take part in wicked deeds
with men who are evildoers;
let me not eat of their delicacies.
5 Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness;
let him rebuke me—it is oil on my head.
My head will not refuse it.
Yet my prayer is ever against the deeds of evildoers;
6 their rulers will be thrown down from the cliffs,
and the wicked will learn that my words were well spoken.
7 They will say, "As one plows and breaks up the earth,
so our bones have been scattered at the mouth of the grave. "
8 But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD;
in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death.
9 Keep me from the snares they have laid for me,
from the traps set by evildoers.
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets,
while I pass by in safety.
He is truly amazing. I love the Lord our GOD!!! I sometimes forget who is in
control and the evil side of me pops into my brain. I guess as humans our
tendecy is to get revenge or lash back at others if they hurt us or our
families. But when you read the Good Book we must learn to forgive and pray for
the ones doing the wrong doings. This is very hard for me to do. All I can do
is try. :)
Message: #7
Posted by Happy Trio on May-31-05 at 07:59 PM
In response to message #0
I will keep you in my prayers and I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I
would suggest keeping a log of the time, place and other details of her "keeping
tabs" on you. That is if you see her. Keep copies of her blogs and the
articles, and consult an attorney. The attorney can then suggest a course of
action. Good Luck!!!
Message: #8
Posted by franjipani on May-31-05 at 08:32 PM
In response to message #0
i am not an attourney, but i am a journalist.
i can tell you that courts do not take op-ed pieces as journalism. they know
that bias is deliberately inserted. there is no indication that your children
are endangered and need to be in social service's hand. no court would agree
that separating the babies is in their best interests.
i wrote in an earlier post, that the press as a whole has done a great deal of
good for your family. they can help again.
would you be interested in writing a piece on my blog? i only get about 1100
hits a day, but i am sure if you were a guest speaker it would get many more.
there are other mothers on this forum who also have blogs and i am certain would
be more than willing to have you post your side of the story.
check it out if you are interested.
as for why people are wanting to hurt you? i read the comments. (and i am not a
US taxpayer so i can be completely unbiased)..and it feels that a lot of people
have been influenced by the MISQUOTE where your wife commented something to the
effect that society needed to help take responsibility because fertility drugs
are so readily available. something like that. people are angry because they
spent thousands raising their children, without support. and the media has
suddenly started portraying your family as wanting more. it comes down to
miscommunication. or slander.
mummy to sebastian ('revered one) 3 yrs
jasper (precious stone), sela (pause and reflect) and carys (beloved) on 23 feb
2004, 26wks 2 d
Message: #10
Posted by momoftreasures on May-31-05 at 08:49 PM
In response to message #8
Sorry this is happening to you. We recently just moved to a small community.
We of course had minor issues compared to your families but we also are dealing
with very noisy people. Honestly we had child protective services called simply
because my neighbor feared because we do not have a fenced yard. This person
who we are sure was a neighbor because when we ALL go out and play she stands in
her window or behind her camper and watches the kids the whole time. Anyway,
she made sure in the report to tell CPS that my children have never been in the
road or unsupervised just that their was fear for the saftey and well being. As
you can only imagine I was devastated. Moving to a new community, my DH is
never home, I have no support or help, and I am in college online finishing my
LPN degree. My children have always come first I cried a screamed at this
social worker and she was as mad as I was. Just because this was not a valid
point but they are required to check it out
anyway. The false charges were not put into a file but it still hurts that
someone is out thier reporting things that are simply crazy. My DH was so upset
that someone has time to be noisy but no time to offer help so the kids could
play outside during the day.
Sorry to ramble. But be very careful you probably should contact the police or
even call CPS. Reporter or not this person has no right to drive around and spy
on your family.
If you ever need a quick retreat your family is always welcome here.
God bless you
Message: #9
Posted by AnneA on May-31-05 at 08:38 PM
In response to message #0
So sorry for the unnecessary struggles your family is being put through. I
admire your strength and trust in the Lord. I hope it sustains you and DW
through yet another trial.
I would suggest you still consider reporting this "stalker" to the police, if
nothing else, to have an official record of her activities, and documentation in
case the stalking escalates. There is nothing retaliatory or malicious about
filing a simple complain to protect your family.
Best wishes!
Message: #11
Posted by tripletsplus1 on Jun-01-05 at 05:11 AM
In response to message #0
Daddyof8, Keeping you and your family in my prayers today. Thank you for
reminding us of the power of God's word! Stay strong and enjoy you children
today! God Bless! (oh yeah he already has!)
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